New Mesa Mark amp coming?

Here's what I think, Gibson needs to reissue the IIC+ or IV, no bullshit and no inflating celeb names attached to it, just a clean reissue like the Marhsall Jubilee.

Something something about the transformers being unique and not being able to source the EXACT
parts to pull that off. :idk
Me too. It’s not as good as a modern high gain amp, but if the volume level is low enough not to clip the power section I’ve had more luck covering metal with pedals in front of a vintage voiced amp than trying to coax something like Brad Paisley tones out of a Mark series

Me too (again, haha). I find them much more useful than multi-channel amps designed for “clean” and “lead”.

I loved my Orange AD30HTC for this!

Goood shout! I had that same amp. I'd get another in an heartbeat. Was my fave Orange amp
I've ever owned.
Hopefully it’ll have more switches.
Bro, does Mesa do exactly your style or what:





If you love switches, Mesa is your amp company!
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I've always liked the idea of a Mesa amp, but I've never been floored by one.

In the 90's the Dual Rectifiers were super popular, but they usually sounded way too scooped, too much bass and brittle high end. I did like a Tremoverb I played a few times but didn't have the cash for it. Also kind of dug the Nomad series.

Played around with a couple Mark series amps that I came across, but at low volumes and not knowing how to dial them in, couldn't get them to sound good at all.

Could not agree more. When I bought my Mark IV, I had the luxury of working retail in guitars and auditioned it strongly for days against all other amps we had, with a OG 5150 as a benchmark on dirty.

I did not pull the trigger until I dialed the Mark IV in to a tone that beat that sound.

We sold Dual and Triple Recs all day, but the Tremoverb was the undisputed king of that line for sure
Could not agree more. When I bought my Mark IV, I had the luxury of working retail in guitars and auditioned it strongly for days against all other amps we had, with a OG 5150 as a benchmark on dirty.

I did not pull the trigger until I dialed the Mark IV in to a tone that beat that sound.

We sold Dual and Triple Recs all day, but the Tremoverb was the undisputed king of that line for sure

You don't say.


Can get those iconic scooped mids Nu-Metal tones, but man it can also do Kim Thayil/Soundgarden, Mike Eizinger/Incubus,
and Jeff Buckley/Grace of all people.

Fuck it even has this cool pulsing/swirly thing that Fender once called "Vibrato." :LOL:

The switchable Rectifier means saggy-Tube Rectified clean and pushed tones, and tight Silicon-Rectifier based Chugs.

Uh-mazing amps! :chef

(Edfit: please notice how the Mids are properly dialed in on both Channels) :crazy