New Mesa Mark amp coming?

Anyone notice Mesa posting daily posts on FB about the Mark series, starting with the Mark I, then each day incrementing up, which would lead us to......what, on Tuesday? Hmmm......

Anyone notice Mesa posting daily posts on FB about the Mark series, starting with the Mark I, then each day incrementing up, which would lead us to......what, on Tuesday? Hmmm......
Yes I noticed that , I thought it was odd on Instagram when they posted all the Mark heads stacked
The have definitely been talking Marks a lot
I’ve never owned a Mesa, but dug the couple times I played a Mark combo. (Particularly the last time, once I knew how to properly dial the thing in) I hope this is released on a day I’m not bored and careless. :ROFLMAO:
I could see a need for something more than my Mark V 90
2 of my Favorite Sounds reside on Channel 2 (Crunch & Mark I) & you cannot switch between those Live.... on my QC I can, but sometimes I like to take a real Amp to Practice...
Full midi +IRs will put it ahead of the V, I imagine.
Not having MIDI on the V is definitely one of Mesa's stupidest decisions. In fact many other manufacturers make this blunder too. Like if you have 5 different switchable things, just use MIDI! I just see no drawback to this. I used to use the RJM Mini Amp Gizmo to control a Bogner that didn't have MIDI and it worked just as fast as the stock foot controller.

  • MIDI.
  • Lineout with or without IRs that can also be used silently.
  • Either multiple graphic EQs like JP2C or a digitally controlled per channel EQ.
  • No reverb built in. There's so many good pedals that are just plain better.
  • Doesn't weigh as much as a brick shithouse. Since it's Mesa, that's probably not gonna happen.
  • Multiple identical channels with switchable voicings. This avoids that "my favorite sounds are on the same channel" dilemma.
Not having MIDI on the V is definitely one of Mesa's stupidest decisions. In fact many other manufacturers make this blunder too. Like if you have 5 different switchable things, just use MIDI! I just see no drawback to this. I used to use the RJM Mini Amp Gizmo to control a Bogner that didn't have MIDI and it worked just as fast as the stock foot controller.

  • MIDI.
  • Lineout with or without IRs that can also be used silently.
  • Either multiple graphic EQs like JP2C or a digitally controlled per channel EQ.
  • No reverb built in. There's so many good pedals that are just plain better.
  • Doesn't weigh as much as a brick shithouse. Since it's Mesa, that's probably not gonna happen.
  • Multiple identical channels with switchable voicings. This avoids that "my favorite sounds are on the same channel" dilemma.
Meh Kinda GIF by Cultura
Not having MIDI on the V is definitely one of Mesa's stupidest decisions. In fact many other manufacturers make this blunder too. Like if you have 5 different switchable things, just use MIDI! I just see no drawback to this. I used to use the RJM Mini Amp Gizmo to control a Bogner that didn't have MIDI and it worked just as fast as the stock foot controller.

I think maybe companies don't want to scare away tube simpletons with extensive midi? (I include myself in that group.) They later did it pretty well in the TC50, although I think only channel-switching was midi-controllable and not all the switches were.

  • MIDI.
  • Lineout with or without IRs that can also be used silently.
  • Either multiple graphic EQs like JP2C or a digitally controlled per channel EQ.

  • No reverb built in. There's so many good pedals that are just plain better.

You had me up until here. I love Mesa's reverb and I love that I can just turn it on and set/forget, while also saving DSP (although that's not a concern as much now with my FM9).

  • Doesn't weigh as much as a brick shithouse. Since it's Mesa, that's probably not gonna happen.

They seem to be working on this. Most of their recent amps are pretty light, relative to older ones. At least it seems that way, haven't extensively compared. But the TC50 and Fillmores are pretty light.

  • Multiple identical channels with switchable voicings. This avoids that "my favorite sounds are on the same channel" dilemma.

Big yes.
Multiple identical channels with switchable voicings. This avoids that "my favorite sounds are on the same channel" dilemma.


I’ve come close to buying a Mini Rec twice, just to have a Rec, but I liked all the voicings and knew it would piss me off not being able to freely use them all. Pass.