Mesa Boogie Mark GAS-X Please!

I have GAS for a Mesa Boogie Mark series.
The JP2C+ was what I always thought I wanted, I have nowhere I can play one w/o order/return fun and I don't like paying shipping for a heavy amp to "try it" and I hate doing that to a dealer as well.

My questions for those that know please are.

  1. Does the Mark VII Wattage switching 90/45/25 greatly effect the amount of gain or just the overall volume?
  2. Is the gain on the Mark V 35 or 25 the same as the JP2C+ or the Mark VII? Close? I don't really want to "need" to boost to get the gain I think the big amps have.

I have a Mini Rectifier and the amount of gain on the Mini vs the Dual Rectifier is night and day so that is my main concern.
You get more diverse range of power options than you do on any of the other Mark series amps.

You get both Tube and Solid State Rectifier options, so you have more feel options
to choose from.

You get Tweed mode on the V, which you don't get on the VII/25/35/JP2C+ .

I could go on and on. :beer
You get more diverse range of power options than you do on any of the other Mark series amps.

You get both Tube and Solid State Rectifier options, so you have more feel options
to choose from.

You get Tweed mode on the V, which you don't get on the VII/25/35/JP2C+ .

I could go on and on. :beer
Good to know, ty sir.
You get more diverse range of power options than you do on any of the other Mark series amps.

You get both Tube and Solid State Rectifier options, so you have more feel options
to choose from.

You get Tweed mode on the V, which you don't get on the VII/25/35/JP2C+ .

I could go on and on. :beer
Doesn't that amp also have an option to run in Class A, or Class A/B?
@la szum Got it about an hour ago....TY so much. It's amazing!


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I have GAS for a Mesa Boogie Mark series.
The JP2C+ was what I always thought I wanted, I have nowhere I can play one w/o order/return fun and I don't like paying shipping for a heavy amp to "try it" and I hate doing that to a dealer as well.

My questions for those that know please are.

  1. Does the Mark VII Wattage switching 90/45/25 greatly effect the amount of gain or just the overall volume?
  2. Is the gain on the Mark V 35 or 25 the same as the JP2C+ or the Mark VII? Close? I don't really want to "need" to boost to get the gain I think the big amps have.

I have a Mini Rectifier and the amount of gain on the Mini vs the Dual Rectifier is night and day so that is my main concern.

1. No, Mark series amps rely mostly on preamp gain. The power section is more to cleanly amplify the signal from the preamp section.
2. Yes and no. The JP2c has a secret weapon available for channel 2 and 3, its called shred. That is like putting a low cut boost pedal in front of the amp. Its magic. The Mark V 25 and 35 and VII do not have this. If this Shred mode is not selected in the JP2C then yes, they have pretty much identical gain.
Some tips:

- Channel 1 doesn’t need the graphic EQ.
- Channel 3 needs the graphic. Treat the pre-gain tone stack like an overdrive pedal, and turn that bass knob so low that it looks wrong. Use the sliders for your true EQ needs.
- Setup Channel 2 last. This is likely the one you will compromise on, but Channels 1& 2 make it worthwhile. My favorite mode here is Mark 1, but I’m sure there are plenty of people here who prefer Crunch.

The Mark V is one of my favorite amps of all time. Congrats!!!