New Mesa Mark amp coming?

Did you buy it new or used? I know you are in Canada, and they tend to be more spendy on that side of
the Great Lakes.

I wasn't talking buying new. Just that when the new stock of MKVs is gone the used prices of MKVs will
trend upward over time.

Yes, it was used at L&M here and they have a great return policy.

I gave it a good workout at home and at band practices, never gigged it though.
Call me crazy but I think a limited edition true IIC+ reissue is definitely coming.

If I bought Mesa, that is exactly what I would do. People have been begging for it for years. Give them what they want and make some money.

Watching that clip from Blake Mansfield running through a bunch of tones made me realize I probably need a IIC+, all my favorite sounds in that clip were that mode.

I think the VII is a super cool amp though.

Mark VII might be the greatest mark of all time :eek:
Scratch and dent rack return showing up at my "preferred vendor" will be a
Bud, I was explaining the process for creating my own IRs to coworkers yesterday and they had to stop me halfway because they had no idea what I was talking about, and I tried so hard to keep it jargon-free :D

My boss is closer to a mother to me than being my boss and is always interested in what I have going on outside of work; when I was gushing about this place last week she wanted clarification, “So, it’s a forum where you talk about music equipment? Is there a lot of conversation around that?“ :rofl
When I read the feature list, I immediately made the same mental plan….




Those Telecaster IIB tones in Blakes video are magnificent

I'm bringing my Tele to practice this week now to see if I can get anything like that out of my roadster :rofl:cry: