New Mesa Mark amp coming?

Mesa has continued to neglect any "recreations" or a mode option of the Mark III even though it is fairly universally beloved. I'm still holding out hope for a 40th anniversary modernized RI in 2025 :nails
It looks a lot like a MarkV w cab clone , and 2 new modes
MarkVll maybe replacing the MarkV Extreme ?
I don’t know if it is a game changer to me
It looks a lot like a MarkV w cab clone , and 2 new modes
MarkVll maybe replacing the MarkV Extreme ?
I don’t know if it is a game changer to me

I never much cared for Extreme mode on my old V. Curious what VII will sound like
Mesa has continued to neglect any "recreations" or a mode option of the Mark III even though it is fairly universally beloved. I'm still holding out hope for a 40th anniversary modernized RI in 2025 :nails
Always wanted to try a III because GGF. The IV intrigues me for that same reason.
Totally agree. I considered a Mark V 90W once but they are expensive even used here in Europe. The Mark VII will probably be insanely expensive.

I like the idea of tons of features in a tube amp, but realistically I tend to park each channel on a particular set of settings and then do very little to them, maybe tweak a tiny bit if I use a different guitar. I've been gravitating towards keeping the amp simple and having a more complex pedalboard in front.

On my rectifier amps the heavy channels are permanently parked on modern mode. Once in awhile I'll switch to vintage to check it out then I switch right back.
Also, that Tweed Mode you could run in Class A at 10watts. Looks like the MKVII's lowest wattage
setting is 25W. Obviously some kind of reworking of the power section and Multi-Watt options versus
the MK V.
Always wanted to try a III because GGF. The IV intrigues me for that same reason.

They are amazing, but way to pricy now. used to be a great bargain. At one point they were $800 all day. I got mine when they were around $1200. Now people are trying to sell them for well over $2K :wat


On my rectifier amps the heavy channels are permanently parked on modern mode. Once in awhile I'll switch to vintage to check it out then I switch right back.

Still in the experimental phase with my Roadster but I'm digging channel 4 on modern for the brootz and vintage mode on 3 for a bit of a less sizzly cleaner and cranked volume soloing tone
The name derives from when one of the owners of HugeRacksInc had a meltdown over…..nothing? and called Pete Thorn a “groomed noodler” out of nowhere, after Pete being one of the few guys on HRI who was actually putting gear to the test and giving us all the info about it, before his YouTube channel. Really odd turn of events that is still a bit of a mystery today.
Pete also named a tune after that as well? :LOL:

Pete also named a tune after that as well? :LOL:

Yeah, that was one of the weirdest situations I’ve ever seen on forums. Totally out of the blue one day one of the HRI owners just went off. I dunno if it was burnout or what, but I think the overall reaction was “WTF dude?“. He apologized for it and I don’t think there are any hard feelings between anyone, just one of those weird human things we do sometimes when the CPU is on the fritz!
They are amazing, but way to pricy now. used to be a great bargain. At one point they were $800 all day. I got mine when they were around $1200. Now people are trying to sell them for well over $2K :wat

Still in the experimental phase with my Roadster but I'm digging channel 4 on modern for the brootz and vintage mode on 3 for a bit of a less sizzly cleaner and cranked volume soloing tone
Worth every penny though, the Mark IIIs and IVs. I have had countless Mark amps, JP2C, Triaxis, etc, and the one I kept was my Mark III. It’s just great for what I play.
Credit to @spawnofthesith and his post on GGF. Which probably had origins from elsewhere before that :crazy

Price is BIG but there looks to be a TON of functionality wrapped up in that price. So a gently used one (you know; 17 months from now) might be a good snag :unsure: