New Mesa Mark amp coming?

The two Mark IV combos on my local CL have both dropped $100 since last week. I wonder if its related to the pending release
To kind of bring myself back down to earth on this; (as if the impending pricetag isn't enough already :bag :rofl ); Mark amps occupy the same headspace for me as modelers. That's why I LOVE the Badlander. Crank up 4 knobs and rip. Mark's are tweaker paradise. Which can be fun AF but not something I am in short supply of, as it is :whistle
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so $3199 is the price on this?

A bud has images apparently. He’s trying to decide if he should throw a vid out for his channel today about it.
so $3199 is the price on this?

A bud has images apparently. He’s trying to decide if he should throw a vid out for his channel today about it.
That’s the 4th different price I’ve heard for it in the past week. Maybe he could wait a day before becoming part of the marketing machine.
To kind of bring myself back down to earth on this; (as if the impending pricetag isn't enough already :bag :rofl ); Mark amps occupy the same headspace for me as modelers. That's why I LOVE the Badlander. Crank up 4 knobs and rip. Mark's are tweaker paradise. Which can be fun AF but not something I am in short supply of, as it is :whistle
Totally agree. I considered a Mark V 90W once but they are expensive even used here in Europe. The Mark VII will probably be insanely expensive.

I like the idea of tons of features in a tube amp, but realistically I tend to park each channel on a particular set of settings and then do very little to them, maybe tweak a tiny bit if I use a different guitar. I've been gravitating towards keeping the amp simple and having a more complex pedalboard in front.
Totally agree. I considered a Mark V 90W once but they are expensive even used here in Europe. The Mark VII will probably be insanely expensive.

I like the idea of tons of features in a tube amp, but realistically I tend to park each channel on a particular set of settings and then do very little to them, maybe tweak a tiny bit if I use a different guitar. I've been gravitating towards keeping the amp simple and having a more complex pedalboard in front.
I touch nothing in the amp block on the JPIIC+ preset I use in the FM9. So an IRL Mark is probably going to be me matching settings in the modeler on the real amp :sofa