New Mesa Mark amp coming?

From DiezelMonster on SevenString;
Ch. 1 = Clean, Fat, or Crunch
Ch. 2 = Fat, Crunch, or Mark VII™
Ch. 3 = Mark IIB™, Mark IIC+™, or Mark IV™
If true, it's basically just a different version of the Mark V's "my favorite sound is on the same channel" issue, though I suppose good enough for most users.

I'm sure someone will immediately complain how the Ch3 modes don't sound like any of those amps.

Now it comes down to how they handle the graphic EQ. Wouldn't be surprised if they copy the JP2C functionality here with dual EQs you can assign per channel.


From a post over on Rig Talk. Mark VII though? Hope it has a built-in Cab Clone IR.

I’ve asked

I’ve asked Dave. We’ll see what he says. Again, I think that’s true only for non-handwired amps. But we’ll see.

That aside, why does BAD have a rep for mediocre builds? That seems counter productive for high end gear. It’s in the name Boutique Amps Distributor. Plus, Distributor….
You can find amp tech vids on YouTube working on Morgan amps that have...questionable design/build choices. I had a a Friedman DS mini that hummed like a MF unless I plugged it into a power conditioner...have never had an amp with that problem in my house before. It didn't hum at every building I used it, but at enough for me to not think the issue was with my house rather than the amp.

It's not necessarily that they are terribly built, but they certainly don't seem significantly more boutique than a lot of the mid-priced tube amps Fender puts out either.
This mean the modes for each channel aren’t midi switchable?
Unless they are doing something new here, I doubt it. Generally switching modes within a channel requires some tweaking to the tone stack - so wouldn’t really make sense to have it switchable. This is where some Chase Bliss style digital control over the analog settings would be pretty slick.
Unless they are doing something new here, I doubt it. Generally switching modes within a channel requires some tweaking to the tone stack - so wouldn’t really make sense to have it switchable. This is where some Chase Bliss style digital control over the analog settings would be pretty slick.
Yup. You can’t really do it without full digital control, because of those factors. Also, there are volume jumps too, often with modes.
This mean the modes for each channel aren’t midi switchable?
Of course not, what do you think this is, 1989? :grin

Soldano did it 35ish years ago.

I love Mesa, I truly do, but their inability to really nail the MIDI thing (outside of the Triaxis) in 2023 is mind boggling. The only issue I've ever had with the Mark V is that all my favorite sounds are on Channel 3, so they're not switchable between each other at all. The JP2C sort of corrected this, but at the expense of all the other awesome modes on the Mark V.
If true, it's basically just a different version of the Mark V's "my favorite sound is on the same channel" issue, though I suppose good enough for most users.

I'm sure someone will immediately complain how the Ch3 modes don't sound like any of those amps.

Now it comes down to how they handle the graphic EQ. Wouldn't be surprised if they copy the JP2C functionality here with dual EQs you can assign per channel.
You could still technically be stuck if you want Clean, Crunch and the new hi gain Mark7 voice
No fucks to give about MIDI here. If this drives prices down on the used market for JP2Cs and MKVs then
this amp will be a win. :banana