New Mesa Mark amp coming?

Maybe he is a guy who knows Mesa's track record and trusts them. I could resemble that guy, minus
the spare $4k laying around. :idk
I mean, I guess? I guess I’m not that rich to have that kinda mindset. I love me some Mesa too, but I wouldn’t do that. But yeah, flipping it at first would be easy, as @Mongillo19 says.
If this thing is anywhere near as sophisticated as the Mark V, buying one sight unseen, you better have some familiarity with Mark amps or you will hate it.

Mesa makes great amps! But won't this will be the first new model since Gibson bought them?
Eh, technically yeah. The Cali 2:20 and BL25 came out after, but those are just small versions of bigger amps. This is the first redesign.
Er. I mean there’s nothing coming Tuesday. What are you guys talking about?