New Mesa Mark amp coming?

tommy wiseau oh hai mark GIF by The Room
I wonder if Mesa will do something dumb, like start teasing stuff soon, like what NeuralDSP does? Man, I hate that shit.
Finally found it online but no pics of the back yet. Integrated Cab Clone(s) will be there for sure! Really digging the retro look. Can't wait to see the Combo. Who says Gibson can't innovate!

Yeah not gonna buy it. Mesa did not include the reverb footswitch and the forklift to move it.
Some crossover from another spot I dig:
"It’s actually gonna be called the Mark VII.

And yes it’s coming. Basically gonna be the most complete modern functionality. Even has 3 Cab Clone IR , one for each channel..."

"And why it’s the 7? Apparently they had a 6 basically done and then 2020 hit and manufacturing and all that was iffy, so they took the time to basically redesign it to the point they just moved to 7."
