New Mesa Mark amp coming?

I don't hear anything new.

There is a actually less new about it than the V. I am utterly convinced this was to
force the V out of production and have an amp that is cheaper to manufacture in the
long run, and one they can pump up the retail price of.... because it is "new."

And here I was hopeful Gibson wouldn't give Mesa poop face by association. :whistle
There is a actually less new about it than the V. I am utterly convinced this was to
force the V out of production and have an amp that is cheaper to manufacture in the
long run, and one they can pump up the retail price of.... because it is "new."

And here I was hopeful Gibson wouldn't give Mesa poop face by association. :whistle

On the bright side, I think the move to the Cabclone IR/Internal Load + MIDI stuff is a notable step forward.
I loathe that motherfluffer. He is everything I have grown to despise about "musicians." I wouldn't
even wipe my ass with his fluffy-ass face munch.
Shocked What Is It GIF
I loathe that motherfluffer. He is everything I have grown to despise about "musicians." I wouldn't
even wipe my ass with his fluffy-ass face munch.
But talent-free Jack Black clone on vocals for the live clip he didn't do anything for on the Gift of Tone?!?!?!?!
All this talk is making me want to finally try the Mark models in the FM9.
FWIW, I think this thing sounds pretty good but I'd never own a Mark in real life again.
Digital model is good enough for me to scratch that itch. :p
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I guess I'm in the minority. I think It's bad ass :p digging the clips and videos. hope I get the chance to try one out in person eventually

Same here. My problem is I seemingly only like ridiculously expensive amps. :ROFLMAO:
Inner dialog:
No you don’t need a $3,500 second amp

No you don’t need a $3,500 second amp
No you don’t need a $3,500 second amp
FYI for those unhappy about Class A and Triode, those are still present on the VII.

As per Wildwoods listing:
But, the new Mark VII has more to offer than just a wide variety of inspiring tones. It's also endlessly practical, and it provides all sorts of things that make the player's life easier. The Simul-Class power switching allows you to run this amp at 25 watts as a Class A Triode circuit, 45 watts as a Class A Pentode circuit, or at 90 watts with the full might of Simul-Class power than harnesses the best of Class A and Class A/B amps. So, you can adjust your volume to suit any situation from the stage to band practice to the bedroom!
Haha! Are we that old already?? :idk


… maybe :knit

I guess I'm in the minority. I think It's bad ass :p digging the clips and videos. hope I get the chance to try one out in person eventually

My endgame is still hoping used Mark III-V prices plummet so I can snag one of those :cop

I can’t believe used prices on Mark III-V!

I was shocked the IV was selling for as much as it does now. I should’ve kept mine so I could sell it now!
I'm still circling this one [Blackstar St. James]. Can't quite bring myself to grab it.

It's a mixed bag.

Not the most stellar tones I've ever heard. I prefer the cleans of my Super Reverb and the gain tones of my Sig:X but they're good enough for a grab-and-go amp.

To me the feature set is the selling point. Fifty watt combo that weighs 24 lbs. is a major plus. Reactive load for silent recording is also. Multiple options in CabRig for FOH or direct recording. They sound very good on the clips I've heard. USB audio out.

From my limited experience with it I think it will make a great platform for pedals, particularly the FM9.

It may not replace my George Benson Hot Rod Deluxe for my Jazz gigs but will probably be what I use playing everywhere else.