New Mesa Mark amp coming?

I actually really dug the more mid-gain Crunch/IIb/IIC+ tones. :idk

Lack of midi control of channel modes really sucks. Not prying $3,500 from me today Mesa!

Question on the cab clone. Can you run the amp by itself silently, or do you have to have a speaker connected?
I am not impressed.
They removed most of the unique features of the V.

Mark 1 and Tweed
Channel Voicing Switches
Solo+Mute, Output Master, Tuner Output
True Class A 10W single ended mode
Triode/Pentode in 45W mode
Diode/Tube Rectifier
Variac Power
Loop Send Level and Hard Bypass
Slave Output+Level at speaker jack
Graphic EQ Presets

All the above features are gone, these features made the V super versatile beyond just crunch and metal.
This is basically a redacted V with far less tonal options but with MIDI and CabClone IR.

And the price... :rolleyes:

Me too!
Dual Master for Solos ,the Presets for Post EQ, Mark I...
Now instead of choosing Mark I or Crunch on 1 Channel, I'd have to choose Crunch or Clean, then Choose No Mark I.... worse!
How's this the Mark's History without Mark I ???
Mark V is staying
I thought Mark I was the absolute worst sounding mode on my V (I know I know, dial it in different... still) :LOL:

On the two videos I've listened to, so far I find Mark VII mode unimpressive, but think IIB sounds phenomenal
I think it sounds lovely. Probably wouldn't buy one, but it does sound lovely. I'm still leaning towards a Revv 100R.

There are several things I really like about it but like you, push comes to shove, I'd rather have a Revv Generator 120 Mk III.

A lot of criticism here comparing it to other Mesa Mark amps. I've never played through one so I'm not going through that angst. I do have a TC-50 and I'd rather have the Mark VII, but the price is a deal breaker for me.

I like that it has MIDI. Yes, it's limited but it does replicate the functions of the footswitch and paired with my FM9 in the 4CM could have a lot of potential.

CabClone and IRs would be more of an issue for me if I played venues with professional grade sound reinforcement but on the whole we don't. Churches, party yachts, hotel ballrooms and the like are the settings for most of my Jazz gigs.

I love that the combo width is the same as my Mesa Thiele 1x12 cab. The two together, with an EV in the cab, would make a really nice, but heavy as hell, rig.

But the deal breaker for me is the price. If it was in the mid $2K range I'd consider it but for a thousand dollars more I have to pass. The over $3K price of my much lusted after Generator 120 is what has stopped me so far from ordering one. There's no way I'm paying that kind of money for the Mk VII.
I actually really dug the more mid-gain Crunch/IIb/IIC+ tones. :idk

Lack of midi control of channel modes really sucks. Not prying $3,500 from me today Mesa!

Question on the cab clone. Can you run the amp by itself silently, or do you have to have a speaker connected?
You can run it silent.
As a non-metal dude coming at this more from a 90s jam-band angle, I could dig this - set channel 1 to clean, channel 2 to fat or crunch, and channel 3 to IIb. Reverb on front panel. 3-channel cabclone IR/load built in. Small (but dense) form factor.

I think Mesas, even the Cali Tweed, always sound better in high watt modes so don't care about that change.
I think Mesas, even the Cali Tweed, always sound better in high watt modes so don't care about that change.

Usually I'd agree, at least for live, but for recording, the Tweed, Class A and Triode switches on the MkIV were something I used all the time. Especially for almost completely clean sounds they added that "just right" amount of sag/compression that's pretty tough to get otherwise, at least not as easily. For smaller gigs, I usually left the switches at Pentode and Simul Class but would pretty often use the Tweed mode.
If anything, I really miss its R1 channel, easily the best pedal platform I ever used.
Usually I'd agree, at least for live, but for recording, the Tweed, Class A and Triode switches on the MkIV were something I used all the time. Especially for almost completely clean sounds they added that "just right" amount of sag/compression that's pretty tough to get otherwise, at least not as easily. For smaller gigs, I usually left the switches at Pentode and Simul Class but would pretty often use the Tweed mode.
If anything, I really miss its R1 channel, easily the best pedal platform I ever used.
Meh, I have like 75 other better options for recording compressed clean sounds...who cares.
Now, what about them coming up with a vastly lighter model, featuring a super-low powered PA and a load? Not that I'd ever want to shell out that much money, but as direct and IEM gigs are becoming more and more common, people may in fact just want to use it without ever driving some real cabs. With money being no issue, I could certainly imagine doing so myself.
I'd hate to be a tech working on any Mesa. :rimshot

I've watched a lot of Psionic Audio videos and the Mark series amps look like an absolute nightmare for servicing. He's not a fan at all.

I just can't wrap my head around wanting an amp with this much complexity and these many features. I'd just rather go with an Axe FX with a power amp and cabinet. There seems like too much to go wrong with the amp.
Now, what about them coming up with a vastly lighter model, featuring a super-low powered PA and a load? Not that I'd ever want to shell out that much money, but as direct and IEM gigs are becoming more and more common, people may in fact just want to use it without ever driving some real cabs. With money being no issue, I could certainly imagine doing so myself.
The badlander 25 would suit this.
The badlander 25 would suit this.

I don't doubt that. But then, no real amps for me anymore. Apart from that, in all Germany there seems to be one Badlander for sale, a 50W head on eBay classifieds, going for €3200 (used of course). That's gotta be a joke. I bought my MkIV top for €800 back in the days.