Jazzmaster Much?

la szum

TGF Recording Artist
This needs to be a thread here. Feel me, @jellodog ? :beer

Basically, I created the thread just to share this pic.


And this one.

That Silverburst is prettty sweet.....and I was JUST saying last week that when I get a Jazzmaster, it'll most likely be my P90 guitar. Some chuckleheads were all like "Noooooooo Drew you can't do that nooooooooooo that's not a Jazzmaster nooooooooooo"

@DrewJD82 You have to ask yourself though - what makes it a Jazzmaster?

I can answer that, although some of the criteria are shared by the Jaguar:

1. The unique Jazzmaster pickups
2. The offset body (the Jaguar body outline is nearly identical, but for a few mm here and there)
3. The Fender offset vibrato unit with rocking bridge (Also Jaguar)
4. Rhythm circuit (Also Jaguar).

If you start removing those things and maybe just keep the body shape - is it still a Jazzmaster?

TBH, I find the body shape so comfortable that I will make a Jazzcaster one day (Tele with Jazzmaster body shape). So yeah, it's fun to mix it up.
@DrewJD82 Alright alright. I'll fess up.

When Suhr first released their JM model, I didn't like the idea of it because humbuckers and of course no trad vibrato unit.

But I love it now. I played a gold one in a store a while back with the humbuckers and it was REALLY GOOD!
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@la szum Wow. What is that neck in the first photo? An Aluminium neck?


Do you own this beauty?

Nope. Not mine. Found it on the 'Verb. Aluminum neck. I just thought that blue fade/silverburst finish was
really eye-popping.

I own 3 JM style guitars. 2 have Jazzmaster Pups in them. One is a G&L Doheny. They all have that love/hate 1 Meg Pot.
That Silverburst is prettty sweet.....and I was JUST saying last week that when I get a Jazzmaster, it'll most likely be my P90 guitar. Some chuckleheads were all like "Noooooooo Drew you can't do that nooooooooooo that's not a Jazzmaster nooooooooooo"


Haha! Chuckleheads are right every once in awhile. :idk I wonder why Fender only made that American Professional JM in Silverburst
for a couple of years. I think the American Professional Strat in Silverburst is pretty eye-popping, too. But that's another thread. :beer
Jason Lollar is right about rolling back the volume to 8.5 / 9. It really does cut back the harsh highs and (in my case) leaves behind a super complex clean tone. I mostly use the neck anyway, because it's so good.

Yup. I do that religiously with the Volume and Tone. Another Leo Fender mistake that became "tradition." :LOL:

I have Seymour Duncan Antiquity II Jazzmaster Pickups in one of them. I agree on the comfort factor. So
accidentally ergonomic.
@la szum I think it might be the reason why Lollar winds the vintage pickups with just a tiny bit more output to account for lowering the volume on the 1 meg pot to attenuate the treble. I get a lot of signal out of them anyway.

But yes, mine are Lollars. I tried the Novaks but it didn't work out for me, which is a shame because Novak seems like a great guy and I really wanted to like them because of that.
I just finished putting a MIJ Jazzmaster back together for a buddy at work. Never dug the look until now. Now I'm hooked. They sound so cool. An alternate Fender flavor I never knew existed.
I just finished putting a MIJ Jazzmaster back together for a buddy at work. Never dug the look until now. Now I'm hooked. They sound so cool. An alternate Fender flavor I never knew existed.

Did you take any photos?
Awesome! :banana

They are really versatile, too. J Masics brings the power of sludgy fuzz with them, and then you have a
lot of Indie and Alternative cats using them, too. I believe that new lady to hit the scene, Madison Cunningham
uses a JM style guitar. Baroness has used them in the past. A great option to have a Fender and NOT
sound like a Strat or a Tele.

It is ironic that they are not used in Jazz all that much. :idk