So How Was Your Week?

I feel ya! :hugitout

Have you tried putting the bag down and breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth?? :idk
No, I have not am still at it with a bag and drinking Chacha :guiness

Infinite amount of grief at work, working this saturday, less practice time this week, wife still has a list of things "we" need to do, yeah the "we" thing is hilarious lol
and im not happy with my DK24
all in all not great id say

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Not gonna lie, I’m in full on existential crisis mode this week.

Brought on by finding out there has been a massive paradigm shift in my field of work that means everything I’ve spent the last 7 years learning is out the window and I have to start over again.

I realized I’ve been so busy with my job that I haven’t been paying attention to changes in the industry and now I’m suddenly several years behind and have to play catch up.

It’s feeling exhausting and I’m tired of running the race, but I have no choice. There’s no other line of work I could move to that would pay enough to cover expenses/family needs. I’ve kind of painted myself into a corner professionally. :confused:
I have no complaints. There were some small frustrations that popped up just to let me know how to navigate things better in the future at work. Overall, there was a lot of effort in the last quarter of 2023 to set myself up, professionally and personally, so 2024 would land with ease. So far that's all been paying off.

Actually, this might be the longest run of my life where I've had an arching plan for how I wanted things to go, didn't deviate from it and am seeing it work out as I expected. That's a very, very welcomed change.
Feels like I spent the entire week trying to come up with ways to melt, break, or otherwise remove ice from… absolutely everything. Our driveway (a long one, to a rear lot) is a lawsuit waiting to happen. This, and a bunch of school cancellations, has severely curtailed guitar, etc. time. Not much fun for little Harpo.
Not gonna lie, I’m in full on existential crisis mode this week.

Brought on by finding out there has been a massive paradigm shift in my field of work that means everything I’ve spent the last 7 years learning is out the window and I have to start over again.

I realized I’ve been so busy with my job that I haven’t been paying attention to changes in the industry and now I’m suddenly several years behind and have to play catch up.

It’s feeling exhausting and I’m tired of running the race, but I have no choice. There’s no other line of work I could move to that would pay enough to cover expenses/family needs. I’ve kind of painted myself into a corner professionally. :confused:
I can very much relate to this. I’ve stayed 20 years at a job that would have been perfect for 5, and in that time - like the slowly boiled frog - I’ve become a dinosaur. I no longer have the interest or energy to adopt the new skill sets required to move on, nor to endure the interviewing process, so I have to just hope I can coast here until retirement.

“Painted into a corner” is a perfect way of putting it.
I can very much relate to this. I’ve stayed 20 years at a job that would have been perfect for 5, and in that time - like the slowly boiled frog - I’ve become a dinosaur. I no longer have the interest or energy to adopt the new skill sets required to move on, nor to endure the interviewing process, so I have to just hope I can coast here until retirement.

“Painted into a corner” is a perfect way of putting it.
Coasting along till retirement
I hear ya !!!
The family owned company I work for was purchased by an international firm.
With new upper management that felt the need to put new fresh faces in middle management I.E. me as well as others.
My pride and ego has taken a hit.
Fortunately my income wasn’t reduced just the work load, actually my salary increased.
At 62yrs old I should be content with the situation .
It is what it is
I can very much relate to this. I’ve stayed 20 years at a job that would have been perfect for 5, and in that time - like the slowly boiled frog - I’ve become a dinosaur. I no longer have the interest or energy to adopt the new skill sets required to move on, nor to endure the interviewing process, so I have to just hope I can coast here until retirement.

“Painted into a corner” is a perfect way of putting it.
Bill Murray Movie GIF by filmeditor
I can very much relate to this. I’ve stayed 20 years at a job that would have been perfect for 5, and in that time - like the slowly boiled frog - I’ve become a dinosaur. I no longer have the interest or energy to adopt the new skill sets required to move on, nor to endure the interviewing process, so I have to just hope I can coast here until retirement.

“Painted into a corner” is a perfect way of putting it.

Yeah, I feel this. My field is moving in directions I think are dumb, but if you don’t keep moving in the same direction as the herd you get left behind.

The older I get the more annoying that is, and the harder it is to motivate myself to learn things I think are stupid just to remain employable.

At least I should be able to retire in about 90 years, so I’ve got that to look forward to :rofl
Yeah, I feel this. My field is moving in directions I think are dumb, but if you don’t keep moving in the same direction as the herd you get left behind.

The older I get the more annoying that is, and the harder it is to motivate myself to learn things I think are stupid just to remain employable.

At least I should be able to retire in about 90 years, so I’ve got that to look forward to :rofl
I work in IT and software development, and it's all change for the sake of change, fixing what ain't broke, new wrapping and buzzwords for existing concepts... I just can't pretend to be excited about any of it anymore. :idk And yeah, retirement looks to be a long ways off yet.
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I work in IT and software development, and it's all change for the sake of change, fixing what ain't broke, new wrapping and buzzwords for existing concepts... I just can't pretend to be exited about any of it anymore. :idk And yeah, retirement looks to be a long ways off yet.

Ugh, I do web development (mostly front end) and it’s the same story.

Front end web developers are lemmings who all jump at whatever is shiny, instantly declare it the greatest thing ever, and if you disagree it’s because you’re a dinosaur.

Most of the time they don’t even know why they’re using something, they just use it because it’s the flavor of the month and everybody else is using it.

And then a month later that thing is old and nobody should use it because it’s terrible and there’s a new shiny thing now.

Rinse, repeat.

It’s total herd mentality group think, and fear of being seen as outdated.
Ugh, I do web development (mostly front end) and it’s the same story.

Front end web developers are lemmings who all jump at whatever is shiny, instantly declare it the greatest thing ever, and if you disagree it’s because you’re a dinosaur.

Most of the time they don’t even know why they’re using something, they just use it because it’s the flavor of the month and everybody else is using it.

And then a month later that thing is old and nobody should use it because it’s terrible and there’s a new shiny thing now.

Rinse, repeat.

It’s total herd mentality group think, and fear of being seen as outdated.
I'm a full stack developer working as a consultant and what the real world projects actually look like, is that a lot of the frontend work is still React, Angular or even PHP. Not Vue or whatever else came out as I am typing this post.

On the backend side things just moved from Java and PHP to Node with Typescript, with the occasional Go project sprinkled in. There's now more serverless cloud solutions which are still often written in Typescript. Databases are still the same ol' SQL variants.

Cloud stuff still requires an AWS in plain English explanation to figure out what the hell these services actually do. The documentation is a hellscape of excess verbosity and API documentation only a Java developer can love.

As for my week? Pretty chill. I've been working hard to meet deadlines last year, with lots of (paid) overtime and now can finally take it a bit easier.
I've paid little attention to a crook in my neck from, I suppose just having tension there while playing the guitar. So for 4 days straight now, I've been doing stretches, and it's still there, but much better. And realizing I should be doing this stuff like..., every day!

I second that! ;)

I literally have to do this everyday. Man, I get caught up in life or feel rushed and skip it and
I will feel the impact. It's kind of like brushing my teeth at this point, or wiping after you know
what. Just gotta do it! :LOL:
Second week in of taking care of sick kids and wife. They're finally on the upswing so I went back to the gym yesterday after not having the time. Went a little too hard and paid for it today with sore shoulder and horrible sleep.

What's your routine, Alex? Strength? Cardio? Circuit?