I just tested the CPU % difference between the "Legacy" type and "Dyna-Cab": ~3%, which was consistent with 1 or 3 slots used in either mode.
The FM9 uses its cores differently so it should be able to handle Dyna-Cab without problems.
The FM3 should be able to also, but at what CPU cost is hard to say because of the differences in the processors. I *suspect* that Fractal will find some ways to run it on the FM3, and let the user decide where they want to allocate the CPU, either as Legacy or Dyna-Cab.
The Dyna-Cab IRs sound really nice but I don't think I'd use it as often on my FM3 because giving up that extra CPU when the unit already sounds really good… do I want "really good" or "extra premo good"?
The changes in the firmware since Cygnus was released are mind-boggling.
My guess is that dyna-cabs will actually use less cpu on the fm3/fm9 than ultrares, basically the same as normal-res.
I base this assumption on what I've observed on all Fractal devices I've owned. Let me explain:
Originally came the ax8 which was the first fractal device to run IRs on an accelerator and not on the main core of the dsp, and this allowed us to load/run IRs in three different formats: normal-res (1024 samples), high-res (2048) and ultrares (~170 ms but same file size as 2048 samples).
On the ax8 the first two formats had exactly the same impact on the cpu, which was around 3% iirc and no matter if the cab block was set to mono (1 IR) or stereo (2 IRs).
Ultrares on the other hand increased the cpu usage to 6-7% for a single IR (still iirc).
This leads me to think that those accelerators are able to run two 2048 samples IRs but not the Ultrares processing which is offloaded to the main cpu.
As we know, IRs on the fm3 and fm9 run on an accelerator as well, but on these devices high-res support has been ditched for some reason (maybe just to simplify things and avoid confusion, even though it's still available on the axe fx III), although the same rules seem to apply: minimal impact on the cpu with 1024 samples IRs and no change between mono and stereo, while ultrares increases cpu usage significantly.
So in conclusion, these new dyna-cabs, being made with 2048 samples IRs, will hopefully run entirely on the accelerator and cpu usage will be the same as normal-res IRs, or maybe just a bit more for the interpolation.