Do You Still Update Fractal Firmware?

All right here it is

ryan seacrest game changer GIF by American Idol

Listing Real Estate GIF by Gina M.

Gapless switching and Dynacabs were the only updates I highly anticipated and downloaded immediately. New models and algorithm improvements are cool, but I personally can never really hear or feel a difference. There’s more in the FM9 than I can use in a lifetime.
I don't. I haven't in a while. Couldn't even tell you what FW I'm currently on w/o looking. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I rotate through about 10 presets that all have various great tones, so I probably wouldn't truly be able to hear a difference anyway. I think the last update I did had me thinking it did sound better, but that could've been confirmation bias. I never bother doing any A/B comparisons.

Once this latest one is out of Beta, I'll probably d/l it, since people are raving about how the amps do sound better. But I've gotten to the point of, "It's really great as is now."

"How much 'more realer' can it be?" kinda sums up my opinion on Fractal's modeling now.

Now, if Cliff were to make some significant changes to certain effects, that may interest me. Or UI improvements, or add a Freqout, yeah, I'd update for that.

But 80% of me says, meh. Damn thing sounds fuckin awesome just the way it is. And I just don't care about that last 0.5%.

Am I alone? And crazy? :unsure:

No, not alone and not crazy.

When I had my Fractals (FM3 and 9), I was always slow to update, beta or official. The only beta one I ever did was the one that improved the size of the display info.

I know it’s sacrilege around here, and I see how it’s fun for others, but I actually don’t like the constant updates and changes, especially the ones that alter my favourite amps, even if it’s “for the better.”

However, I also see the contradiction there, being that it’s the accumulation of all those updates that make Fractals sound as good as they do.
No, not alone and not crazy.

When I had my Fractals (FM3 and 9), I was always slow to update, beta or official. The only beta one I ever did was the one that improved the size of the display info.

I know it’s sacrilege around here, and I see how it’s fun for others, but I actually don’t like the constant updates and changes, especially the ones that alter my favourite amps, even if it’s “for the better.”

However, I also see the contradiction there, being that it’s the accumulation of all those updates that make Fractals sound as good as they do.
Good Point but thats the thing though we are not obliged to update so if you have what you already deem as "your sound" then yes dont fix what's not broken
I know some say they cant hear or feel Improvements in Algorithm updates but I do, they are small but cumulative toanz improvements and not once had i thought Hmm i best roll back to the previous version
and yes some Improvements are more noticeable Like Dynacabs or Gapless, and i Suspect the latest round of Improvements by all account will be significant
As always YMMV

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Always. As fast as I can hook up to a computer.

I also blow out all my presets every time I update.

I love all the updates. I get especially excited about the amp improvement ones because they just keep sounding better and better to me
Same here Met but I always wait till final release though
Yes. I rarely install beta firmware unless there is a new feature that I just can't wait for, but I always update to the latest and greatest.
Same. Not having any modelers atm has been weirdly liberating when you are not waiting for the next big thing.

FM3/9 owners have it easier when they get a bigger update every now and then, with the flipside of having to wait for the latest advancements.
I usually do but the band has been pretty busy so I haven't updated to the latest FM3 and FM9 betas. I'll wait til the official release, more than likely. Don't want any surprises in the middle of a set.
Normally, I'm all over the updates, but I've been stuck at the FM9 beta that added the Stealth models for a bit now (I think it was one of the 7.x betas?!). I'm sure the amp modeling updates in 8.x beta are awesome, and I'm sure the new amp modeling whatever that just dropped in the Axe-FX III is incredible.

But I only want for being able to save block libraries to the unit to call up on demand. In workflow, amp sound versatility and all of the reverb/synth/esoteric effects one could dream of....I'm good. Have been for awhile.
But I only want for being able to save block libraries to the unit to call up on demand. In workflow, amp sound versatility and all of the reverb/synth/esoteric effects one could dream of....I'm good. Have been for awhile.

I’d like for Edit to be able to display the block name too. Once you close out or reboot the library name is gone from Edit. (Even though it is technically being used) There has to be a way to store that a library was used, until the user selects a new type.
Totally on board w/ your premise @TSJMajesty I no longer pay attention to Fractal FW updates despite the Axe 3 being my daily driver digital unit and also having an FM3.

When one makes a splash here, I generally will go check it out or if Axe-Edit says it has an update, I will check to see if there is a new FW because that is usually what it means if AE is out of date. I like getting new firmware and feeling like the platform is moving forward but it is not the epic OMG! NFWD! thing it used to be.

I'll typically load new updates without redialing presets, etc and would not even know it changed if not for the release notes.

Modeling has plateaued for me. I used to hang out at the FAS forum and constantly awaiting the next update with baited breath; comparing units, and listening to demos, arguing with people about merits of different devices/platforms, etc, etc, but the thrill is gone. Digital guitar tech has arrived.

All tech is like this. Disruptive technology goes through a sexy ramp up period where it is leap frogging constantly and then eventually plateaus with wide availability and lowered cost, with the gap between the primo gear and the low end much narrower than it was at the start. At that point it is no longer disruptive but is common place and has unseated older tech in some contexts and found its place in the market.

It'll continue to move forward in that 'mature' mode but the curve is a lot more linear and the slope much shallower. The digital 'grail' has happened (for my tastes/requirements/needs). No longer wanting for anything... Stuff like UI, Cloud, Switching, I/O, AI type features, etc wil be where improvements are but the toanz and FX == there.

A lot of folks are in denial still because they cannot A/B things properly or they intentionally immerse themselves in confirmation bias echo chambers, which is the internet's forte (along with p***n, LOL).

Maybe a few folks do have golden ears too, but I think that case is way way less than people would guess. Everyone seems to think they're special, which makes them the same.
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