Fractal Audio Firmware Update Thread

Ah, not sure why I didn’t think of him.

Hahaha, I was just watching his Gibson Collections vid the other day and I think we go for the total opposite things in the world of guitar (I hate SG’s) and guitar tones, but there’s gotta be some interesting stuff in his Fractal units!
I’m not bitching. I had no delusions about any Metallica content. FAS does right by their customers and Gift of Tone just rocked the Christmas season baby!
It’s pretty cool and so much stuff as some else said like 37 presets
3 fx rigs and like 10 irs
I haven’t even been able to play it much , this Sunday New Year’s Day I am just going to try and get through them all and see what’s there
Fractal has armed its users with so many tools with this GOT
Kudos to FAS
and congrats to all the FAS users
I like Rush and I live in Canada. I've blown it.

They'll never give me citizenship now!

Oh No Reaction GIF
Oh. s**t yeah! hahah. So obvious, now and kinda embarrassing.

Whenever I see the word "Xanadu" I only think of Olivia Newton-John and ELO. Showing my age here.

Back in HS in English Lit, we worked our way to Kubla Khan, and suddenly the lone burnout dude in class woke up... "Oh wow man. That's RUSH!!"
(I'm embarrassed to say I didn't know what he meant at the time.)