The I don’t want to buy any more gear thread


Rock Star
TGF Recording Artist
The last major thing I bought was an LP about 7 months ago. I do have a pair of Slate VSX headphones coming, and have bought a handful of plugins for recording, but this might be the longest I’ve gone without buying anything of note in 5 years. Don’t really feel all that compelled to buy anything either. I flirted with the idea of buying a strat (just because) and always get that adrenaline rush when a new high gain amp gets released. But I don’t think I want any more amps. (won’t preclude me from buying one of course) I don’t have a modeler atm so I’m sure I’ll fill that void eventually (just using amps and plugins now) but even that I don’t give too much of a shit about because I have a handful of plugs if I want to do the digital thing.

I’m sorta disappointed in myself. :ROFLMAO:

Not sure what the point of this thread is, other than maybe if anyone else hasn’t been particularly moved by any new gear of late? Anyone else at a standstill, or “ temporarily done”. (Insert Farley)
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I feel like I'm done. About the only thing I may buy is an amp dedicated to powering my F12 cabs for the Axe III, if I ever get around to building them!
What I really need to do is sell shit I'm not using.:hmm
I don’t have it so for much for guitar gear…

But I do have desire for some dynaudio studio monitors set up and some room treatment… (even though all the advice is to get crappy monitors like NS-10s)

I was where you were here for about seven years until I joined this place.

homer simpson GIF
I don’t have it so for much for guitar gear…

But I do have desire for some dynaudio studio monitors set up and some room treatment…

I was where you were here for about seven years until I joined this place.

homer simpson GIF

Yeah that’s sorta been where my gear focus went, reworking my little recording setup. Now that I’ve got that largely where I want it, I’m not really all that moved to expand my analog gear, and if anything maybe streamline that to something simple.

It’s a bad place to be when the only thing youre looking at is guitar racks, and straps for wire management. (How exciting!) :ROFLMAO:
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With reverb fees, the whole 1099-K thing, absurd used prices, I'm pretty much "done" :farley trying out gear. I'm not trying to make a profit trying out gear but I don't want to take a bath either. Death by a thousand paper cuts and all that. I'm glad I found digital at the right time. I can tweak to my hearts content.
Just when I think I'm done, my mind changes down the road. Helix was my most recent purchase. I'm sure software will be my next. Pedals? Maybe done with those, for real this time. I'm serious.
I was gonna say I've been clean from pedals going on like almost 10 months now, but then I remember I got a donner turdverb at the beginning of the year in an emergency gig situation... hated it and immediately gave it to my bass player. I'm not sure if that counts lol. But I don't have any notable pedal gas

Guitars... well I've bought 3 already this year, and don't anticipate anymore for years. And the ones I am gassing for currently would require a windfall of some kind

Amps... I'm sure an 5150III will find it's way into my home at some point this year, but I have my bases pretty well covered. I would like a Mark as well but I don't see myself spending Mark prices any time soon

So I'm sort of vaguely set? :rofl\

My biggest issue is that I am constantly cruising CL and the like and just seem to keep coming across deals that are too good to pass up o_O
The last major thing I bought was an LP about 7 months ago. I do have a pair of Slate VSX headphones coming, and have bought a handful of plugins for recording, but this might be the longest I’ve gone without buying anything of note in 5 years. Don’t really feel all that compelled to buy anything either. I flirted with the idea of buying a strat (just because) and always get that adrenaline rush when a new high gain amp gets released. But I don’t think I want any more amps. (won’t preclude me from buying one of course) I don’t have a modeler atm so I’m sure I’ll fill that void eventually (just using amps and plugins now) but even that I don’t give too much of a s**t about because I have a handful of plugs if I want to do the digital thing.

I’m sorta disappointed in myself. :ROFLMAO:

Not sure what the point of this thread is, other than maybe if anyone else hasn’t been particularly moved by any new gear of late? Anyone else at a standstill, or “ temporarily done”. (Insert Farley)

I am on a spending freeze cause we are making a large investment purchase soon. IOW I have to keep it below wifeys radar. The Valveking II 100 head I just bought was a a POS and I returned it. I used most of that money to get me a SSL2+ interface. Only other purchase I plan on is any time soon is a Drop pedal.
I predict Bob finds an old Carvin X100b for Tree Fiddy on CL next week and can't resist the alluring pull. :idk


I would jump on that immediately! There is a X100B RI right now for 600 on CL. Too spendy to keep it below the radar though. I guess if I wanted I could throw some pedals and such on my Reverb store and take a crack at it but I am tiring of Reverbs exorbitant fees.
I don’t even look anymore.

I bought a few amps a few years ago due to an insurance settlement; they’re my be all/end all.

I bought a guitar last year that was quite expensive but because it was quite literally the best guitar I’ve ever played for me, I liquidated a few others and bought two more for different pickups (not different tunings, I just wanted to put an 81 and a Warpig in the others).

I’m done. I have the amps and guitars and delays and ODs and distortions I’ve always wanted and the tones I have now simply can’t be beaten.

I defy anyone to show up at my house and tell me they can get better metal tones with other gear/guitars for ME and prove it to me. This has been a 25 yr journey, they can’t.

Good for you man, be satisfied with what you have for awhile/forever and just make music.