NMD: NDSP Quad Cortex

So true!

(And thanks for focusing on what you like in the picture... I know you're probably biting your tongue hard right now. :grin)

Over It Reaction GIF by Bounce

Hahahaha not at all! I’m not a fan of NDSP, but that‘s got nothing to do with your happiness or creative output with the QC. The only thing that ran through my head when reading that was “Hope it continues working!”
Congrats. The QC is a badass piece of gear. I agree with almost all of your initial thoughts.

Modeling: I don’t think their modeling is light years behind something like the Fractal. The very brief A/B’ing I’ve done (the path to madness) they hold up relatively well. They just are never going to catch up in the sheer volume of amps, and I don’t think their modeling approach will lead to some of the deep tweaking options.

UI: Pretty much the gold standard at this point. Using it is an absolute breeze. It actually makes complex routing and integration with other gear extremely straightforward. This they absolutely nailed.

Effects: I think this is the weakest part of the platform. If you’re not too hardcore of an effect degenerate and don’t A/B they are perfectly functional, but honestly half of their delay and reverbs are kind of rubbish. Some I’m not even sure what they are actually doing. The octave and freeze are great though, and I like a lot of the drives. They should focus a lot of dev on effects imo.

Captures: Def some good ones, I’ve just never been a huge capture guy. I trust those that do though, so I could totally see this as being the primary selling point of the unit + UI.

I also think their wireless integration (when it works) is badass. Wireless updates and capture/preset downloads are awesome. All modelers need these features (plus an equivalent UI)

Rock on dude :headbang
Nice one! They're not bad devices, and if I was going all in on a modeller, I'd pick the QC over the Kemper and GT1000. I do tend to think they rushed to release it, and now they are really behind on their roadmap. But eventually I do think they'll deliver on the bulletpoint promises they used to reel everyone in to funding the thing.
Oh yeah, @TubeStack, the QC’s Wifi doesn’t recognize anything above 2.4ghz, so if you’re all on 5G now, you’re gonna be shit out of luck. My eyes start bulging out of my head when I read some of the steps people have taken to get the Wifi to work.
Oh yeah, @TubeStack, the QC’s Wifi doesn’t recognize anything above 2.4ghz, so if you’re all on 5G now, you’re gonna be shit out of luck. My eyes start bulging out of my head when I read some of the steps people have taken to get the Wifi to work.

Thanks, I read about that and apparently selecting “maximum compatibility” in the iPhone’s hotspot settings switches it to 2.4? That didn’t seem to help, though.

I don’t really care if it never works down there, as I can just hardwire connect to my MacBook, but I’d like to make sure it’s not a hardware issue with the QC.
For the sake of conversation; can you freely assign the rightmost buttons? I would probably end up using 6 out of 8 due to proximity. At least from what I have always seen in pics of the QC.
QC - in a vacuum - is a really great box, and it still offers two things - captures/models in a single piece of hardware, full power in a compact floorboard - that no one else does even almost four years after announcement.

Enjoy it, OP. Lots of good stuff to dig into, and I jumped off the train well before the latest amps, editor or hybrid mode.
For the sake of conversation; can you freely assign the rightmost buttons? I would probably end up using 6 out of 8 due to proximity. At least from what I have always seen in pics of the QC.

I don’t think so, but others with more experience can say better, maybe @mbenigni @Mongillo19 @Achilles @Whizzinby ?

Switches seem extremely limited in what you can assign/customize, but I haven’t looked too hard, yet.
I don’t think so, but others with more experience can say better, maybe @mbenigni @Mongillo19 @Achilles ?

Switches seem extremely limited in what you can assign/customize, but I haven’t looked too hard, yet.

Footswitch inflexibility was one of the many small things that formed a "last straw" in aggregate that broke my QC back....

....to be fair, that could've improved since my jumping-off point.