Quad Cortex (A Love Story) Round 2

Fair enough. “Shoddy” and “50/50” aren’t exactly aspirational terms lol.

Here’s a weird thing: I thought you had already returned or sold yours. Are you on #2 (no poop emojis, folks) or am I just confused?
Indeed this is a different one than when we last chatted 🤣 I am well aware of my shortcomings
Shait, I have been logged in for over a year now :idkbut before that I had to login a few times
episode 4 jedi GIF by Star Wars
I had a pretty good run myself, but just before I replied above, I checked and found that I was disconnected lol.

And… just read far enough along to realize this is a 2.1 thing. Aargh!

Some presets to give a spin. As always marketing dept cranking it out

I’ll give those a try. Have been playing with the QC all afternoon checking out the new amps and reverse delay. Don’t hear anything that hasn’t been covered by other presets tonally, but sometimes those presets can have some novel routing ideas.

Neural loves bands and promos that look and sound like they could double for prescription medication ads. “Side effects may include…”
I’ll give those a try. Have been playing with the QC all afternoon checking out the new amps and reverse delay. Don’t hear anything that hasn’t been covered by other presets tonally, but sometimes those presets can have some novel routing ideas.

Neural loves bands and promos that look and sound like they could double for prescription medication ads. “Side effects may include…”

Have you tried just like 50 metal zones in a row?
Spent a good deal of time playing today, haven’t really had bandwidth the last week to play anything, so I’m still kicking the tires. More random observations:

  • I really dig Neurals Marshall models. The 800 and 900 are fantastic. Add an SD1 for classic vibes or the Myth Drive for harder stuff
  • The reverse delay is really cool, and I like having the ducking settings so you can either make it subtle or more direct. The dual reverse just has so many friggin knobs I’m saving that for another time, but the basic reverse is nice.
  • The Matchless models may be good, but I’m not overly digging them. The Jefe one I think I can coax some nice dirty cleans out of with more time, but neither that or the other Matchless amp immediately jump out to me as my jam.
  • The Kraken is pretty good, I’ll just need some more time with it. It’s a little dark and refined, which I vibe with some days and kinda meh on others.
  • The best new additions to me are the subtle ones Neural has made. I didn’t realize they added hi/lo cuts in the IR block, which makes the IR block even better. And having the option for graphic EQs directly in the main cab blocks is great. That removes two blocks from the grid from the older versions. Great for removing clutter, and just more streamlined in general.
  • The meh:
    • Had wifi issues again today connecting to the cloud.
    • I’m not sure what half the reverbs are actually doing. About 3-4 of them need to be taken behind the shed and shot. I still love the Cave reverb, and the plate(s) and room are solid.
    • I forgot about the FML nature of the cabs/IRs. Neurals plugins are just plug and play. I very rarely have to make adjustments to the cabs in their presets, and if I do it’s generally just to pull back a 121 way away from the speaker to add some air. Some of Neurals stock QC cabs work better than others, (little blanket effect) and the York mix 01’s I have loaded atm (which I remember adoring) have a very sharp attack and top end that gets abrasive sometimes. Nothing “wrong” either either, but I just forgot about having to spend about 5-10 minutes cycling cabs or IRs every time I build a preset. The plugins will spoil you. In brighter news that Marshall 412 with V30’s is badass and I overlooked that the first time through with the QC.
Next goal is to try to get the GM800 hooked up with it tomorrow. #matchmadeinhell
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This popped up on my Facebook feed this evening :knit

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I still don't get why out of all poem lines they chose this (or any at all). Maybe they didnt read the entire poem and just thought it sounded cool.

But I guess it could mean this sculpture (Quad Cortex) was the only thing left standing in an empty desert that once held a great empire (all other devices)?

I can tell you one thing, it's dumb lol
Anyone know what delay and reverb they used in the SLO plug?
not sure but have you had a chance to compare the new SLO model to the plugin , did they improve that one .

I give Neural a lot of crap but agree their JCM 800 , Silver Jubilee, and HBE were really solid and IMO equal to the FM3 I had compared it too

Also was watching a recent pod cast and it looks like they have a new sales Manager Ryan m that was very articulate friendly, and seemed genuine and not boasting about having the most power or just talking specs , having THAT guy in front of camera instead of some of the other boobs was definitely refreshing