New Mesa Mark amp coming?

Side question - What do the preset controls on the Mark V actually do???
Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 12.09.41.png

They should have kept that option and lost the crap reverb.
I am not impressed.
They removed most of the unique features of the V.

Mark 1 and Tweed
Channel Voicing Switches
Solo+Mute, Output Master, Tuner Output
True Class A 10W single ended mode
Triode/Pentode in 45W mode
Diode/Tube Rectifier
Variac Power
Loop Send Level and Hard Bypass
Slave Output+Level at speaker jack
Graphic EQ Presets

All the above features are gone, these features made the V super versatile beyond just crunch and metal.
This is basically a redacted V with far less tonal options but with MIDI and CabClone IR.

And the price... :rolleyes:

Yeah, I have briefly owned a Mark V in the past (returned it and stuck with my Electra Dyne, my usual story),

But I would be FAR more likely to try another V than to go for this VII. Midi and IRs really have no appeal for me. Midi might be nice, but I don't really care about it.

I am more likely to use those removed features on your list ^^^, that are on the V.
In other news, the release of this new amp finally made me install the 2.0 version of the ML Sound Lab ML5 Mesa Mark V plugin.

It's a chore to request new license keys for a new machine from ML but they did answer very quickly with a new key so not too bad.

Anyway, the plugin sounds good. I think the presets are good and it's a fun way to try a virtual Mark V.