How much time do you dedicate to practice

Not Today Reaction GIF by Chrisley Knows Best
Does begrudgingly showing up and playing my set count as practice time? If so, 2 hours a week. Otherwise, zero.
If you want to turn your noodling time into practise time without losing too much of the noodling fun, try to limit what you're fooling around with.
Only play on one string. Or on two. Tell yourself it's B flat day today and play everything in that key. Do the same with 117BPM. Play everything extremely slow (like, play a funky thing with an original tempo of 100BPM at 20BPM). Play triplets only. Play chord notes only. Play downstrokes only. And then upstrokes. Superimpose a rhythmic pattern over everything you play. When bending, do it just with your first and second fingers. Play with 3 fingers only. Then 2. Try both without the index finger.