Married Peoples: How do you balance division of chores?

Mr Miyagi Wax GIF
We wash dishes by hand.
Same here! We run the dishwasher once or twice a year just to make sure it still works!! If it were up to me (and believe me, it is not), that dishwasher would be out the door and that space turned into a cabinet for extra kitchen storage ;~)) Besides, I do a WAY better job than that dishwasher ever could (and I am the dishwasher 99.9% of the time as well as the cook)!!!
Same here! We run the dishwasher once or twice a year just to make sure it still works!! If it were up to me (and believe me, it is not), that dishwasher would be out the door and that space turned into a cabinet for extra kitchen storage ;~)) Besides, I do a WAY better job than that dishwasher ever could (and I am the dishwasher 99.9% of the time as well as the cook)!!!
I thought of the same thing. Another cabinet would come in handy.
Last place we were in was 5 years and the DW wasn't used once.
It's a super convenient place for packets of stuff like hot cocoa, crackers, pop tarts, ramen, granola bars,
cookies, chips, small cereal boxes, bag of marshmallows, etc. etc.

Stoned and got the munchies?
You now got the greatest grab bag ever.
The carousel at the top is especially nice. :giggle:
Every dishwasher ever = need to wash the dishes by hand before or
after washing the dishes by machine.

Logically speaking, it is a time and space saver to wash them just once. :LOL:
Every dishwasher ever = need to wash the dishes by hand before or
after washing the dishes by machine.

Logically speaking, it is a time and space saver to wash them just once. :LOL:i
I agree 100%.. even if youre just rinsing them. It takes like 3 seconds to just wash them.
I provide our income, and she does all the chores. Even if it's something she can't do, She arranges for it to be taken care of by a professional.

We don't have kids, so at the end of the day, I work over 40 hours a week running a business, and he works about 25 hours a week running a household. When I come home from work, dinner is served. We eat, and then she takes care of the dishes while I take a shower. Then we enjoy the rest of the evening together unless I'm doing something with my music or she's got plans.

she worked full time as an account manager when I met her, but as I progressed in my career, the extra income she brought to the table wasn't worth the problems it brought to our marriage. Once she hit her 40's, she basically couldn't work a full time job without being in a bad mood 24/7. One day she came home and said she quit her job, and that we would figure it out. Our lives improved somuch when she quit working, that we decided to just have her run the house, instead of going back to work. It's been 3 years, and we'll never look back.
Clock Tick Tock GIF by MOODMAN