Fractal Talk

Does that mean the ecomoney sucks? Lol
Time to cue up this Mike 😝
Precisely. For example, if you go to the Fractal Forum a lot of the same kinds of questions are asked
over and over again. There is a bit of Groundhog Day happening. :LOL:

I just wonder how much of this do we force on the developers. :idk How much ignorance and lack of effort
are we going to demand that the device designers overcome? All of it? None of it? Half of it?

There is----in my view---a lot of consumer entitlement that happens in the UI/ease of use debate. The easier we
make things to use the easier we make it for people to expect everything to be easier to use.

The Great Dumbing Down is upon us. :rofl

That's problematic, not just for designers and developers, and teachers and parents.... but for culture and
civilization as an whole, if you ask me. :idk
You can design for the people who are smart enough to use the system. But you can't win the battles for the dumbest users, like those who think reading a manual is stupid, or those who have no self-research capabilities and use the internet community as their personal assistant. ChatGPT is probably the only thing patient enough for these folks.

But if you have a lot of features that are hard to understand, then you might need either dumb them down, or feed them in smaller chunks to the user. Power users often get annoyed by e.g Apple's iOS because you just can't easily do many things because many things are a bit too dumbed down. But the average user is generally happy, so tradeoffs.

Years of computing and mobile devices have made people accustomed to things functioning a certain way, and when they don't they get annoyed. As an example, I tried Strymon's Nixie 2 beta version, their computer editor for their pedals. The moment I saw it, my instinct was that I would be able to edit the current preset name by clicking it in the top bar - just like I can on Axe-Edit, HX-Edit and many more. But it didn't do that, so that was a very simple thing where you expect this app to do what other apps do even if there is no hard rule this is how it needs to be.

Software developers tend to develop what was most practical and easiest in terms of the codebase, which might be at odds with what is the most user friendly way. A good example is Fractal's list of speaker impedance curves. It's not sorted by name, its order is "the order we kept adding to it". Most likely because it's an enum in the system. It's not intuitive that your SIC scroll order goes "4x12, 2x12, 4x12, loadbox, loadbox, 4x12, 2x12" etc. This is where a developer needs to put in the extra effort to make the user interface behave a different way for labels vs values. It's a very small thing, but makes a difference.

Fractal goes the extra mile and then some for their modeling, which some other companies don't quite do. When you go the extra mile in all areas, you have something awesome.

jimmy fallon reasons GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
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That inherent spatial sensibility known as a "sense of direction," cultivated over generations
upon generations of humans navigating their way in the world, is indeed being lost.

Probably has nothing to do with the omnipresence of GPS. Nah. Totally unrelated. :LOL:
There is----in my view---a lot of consumer entitlement that happens in the UI/ease of use debate. The easier we
make things to use the easier we make it for people to expect everything to be easier to use.

This sounds like a good time to me :) But seriously isn't this one of the signs of progress?
That inherent spatial sensibility known as a "sense of direction," cultivated over generations
upon generations of humans navigating their way in the world, is indeed being lost.

Probably has nothing to do with the omnipresence of GPS. Nah. Totally unrelated. :LOL:

The good old days, knowing how to get in the vague vicinity of a place before stopping at a corner store to ask for final directions. :ROFLMAO:

Shit, now I get itchy driving across town to places I already know how to get to without GPS.
This sounds like a good time to me :) But seriously isn't this one of the signs of progress?

Haha! I think it is, to a point. Point of diminishing returns and all that jazz. :idk

One can easily argue that evolution giveth, and evolution also taketh away. It seems to always be
a trade-off in some respect.

That said, resistance (in one form or another) is how we build strength.... whether physical, emotional,
mental, psychological, or with our wee little digits. :LOL:
We've already reached the point where we can't remember their phone numbers.
I specifically manually dial phone numbers whenever possible. The phone on my desk is an old touch-tone phone. This helps keep my memory sharp. If you become reliant on technology your brain gets weak. It's a muscle.

Present-day humans are disappointing. They're weak and lazy. Easy times have led to many people becoming a pitiful excuse for a human being.

I love reading old newspaper articles and the writings of our founding fathers. The prose is beautiful and elegant. Now we have Cardi B.