Fractal Talk

I'm confused. What are wet blanketing about? The modern conveniences of cell phones? While we simultaneously bask in the glory of all that digital modeling has to offer? And that is somehow a bad thing?

I did appreciate the irony of the king of modeling pining over the old ways…. Tbh I thought it was possibly satire :sofa

I specifically manually dial phone numbers whenever possible. The phone on my desk is an old touch-tone phone. This helps keep my memory sharp. If you become reliant on technology your brain gets weak. It's a muscle.

Present-day humans are disappointing. They're weak and lazy. Easy times have led to many people becoming a pitiful excuse for a human being.

I love reading old newspaper articles and the writings of our founding fathers. The prose is beautiful and elegant. Now we have Cardi B.

I'm working in the Caribbean at the moment, the Dutch Antilles (Bonaire). People here speak the local language (Papiamentu) as well as Dutch because of the (partly dark) colonial period. They speak better Dutch, more stylish and correct than European Dutch youngsters. It's really a treat. At the same time I'm not against the progress of language. Papiamentu for example is een melting pot of several languages and develops continuously.
I think we found the winner for the “name the FAS Friedman model” contest.

I don’t know it a toss up for me
I still think Dirty Sanchez is the perfect Freidman name
In fact I think it was already under consideration previously by Dave
It’s been mentioned for sure
I keep my mind sharp by dialing in my Axe-FX from the front panel. :rofl
If you looked on a map of where all those locations are, your head would spin even more since it went South, then South West, then North, then North East. :rofl
yep, I realize that most won't know the geography or are expected to, but it just had to hop from NH to Buffalo.
I'm not complaining from the service perspective at all or the timing but shipping prices are crazy everywhere.
5 years ago I sold a guitar to a guy in Calgary, it cost me 80 CAD to get it there with insurance. Recently I was quoted 250.
If you looked on a map of where all those locations are, your head would spin even more since it went South, then South West, then North, then North East. :rofl

It's about the least expensive route, not the most direct. Now...the KY and OH stops seem very strange indeed, my guess is a few of those are hubs where they are moving a lot of packages between so hitching a ride on those routes was most economical rather than a more direct path.
on the lighter side, I wonder why shipping companies charge so much. That's a lot of travel from NH to Toronto. The scenic route.

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Arggghhh! So triggered.

This infuriates me! I've got the same scenario going on right now with a ** lil' FAS Xmas Gift **.

My package went from being not-too-far-over-the-border in NH to now 4 times further away in Louisville. Could have got to Ottawa in less time on 1 single flight, but no... it will be 8 times the distance travelled and at least 2 flights. No wonder the shipping is expensive.

F*** UPS!

And then they won't even hang around for a signature either. FM3 was dumped in the mail room back when I lived in an apartment building. Well at least that was inside, I suppose. 😡
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Arggghhh! So triggered right now.

This infuriates me! I've got the same scenario going on right now.

My package went from being not-to-far-over-the-border in NH to now 4 times further away in Louisville. Could have got here in less time on 1 single flight, but no... 8 times the distance travelled and 2 flights. No wonder the shipping is expensive.

F*** UPS!

And then they won't even hang around for a signature either. FM3 was dumped in the mail room when I lived in an apartment building. Well at least that was inside, I suppose. 😡

Logistics, they are looking to minimize costs. The cost to move a single package between 2 destinations is astronomical in comparison to hitching a ride along an established route.
It's about the least expensive route, not the most direct. Now...the KY and OH stops seem very strange indeed, my guess is a few of those are hubs where they are moving a lot of packages between so hitching a ride on those routes was most economical rather than a more direct path.
I understand big business and the hub concept but shipping things on 3 different planes is never cheaper than using one. Not to forget the amount of extra handling it takes from more personnel gathering and packing. The expense of fuel and wages are passed along to the consumer as increased costs. I also realize that they don't want to send empty planes but I can also say that all of those flights aren't fully packed. Due to expedited shipping, they were going to go regardless whether they were full or not. It's part of offering next day delivery.
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