Fractal Talk

Just sitting here waiting to see if anyone uses the tone match block. Lol.

Currently I record dry then reamp for amp, then eq and IR in a daw, then reamp via spidf to add effects. Trying to save some round trips if the TM is ozone/cabinetron worthy on the 3.
Cabinetron is very good - there are loads of tweakable features and it has the excellent Kirchhoff EQ
Cabinetron is very good - there are loads of tweakable features and it has the excellent Kirchhoff EQ
1.0.1 has some bugs that's crashing my StudioOne and Cubase. Other than that it's great. I did a little bit of a match EQ faceoff between Ozone MatchEQ, Cabinetron, Melda's MfreeformEQ and Fabfilter Match EQ.
I recorded a simple guitar track, later added a high and low shelf and bounced the track. I had the plugins try to figure out what had to be done to restore to the original track.
Melda won by a small margin on a null test and it can actually export the EQ as an IR. Cabinetron is very cool though since it's also an IR loader.
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This seems hugely exaggerated, or maybe they’ve improved the touchscreen since yours?

My newer one works very well, rarely requires a re-touch. :idk
+1. I have a preorder QC. The touchscreen is way better than on release. It's absolutely no problem. Much better than my Steam Deck (which is fine for the most part) for example. they have bigger fish to fry for sure. Easily good enough for this kind of application and far and away the best of any MFX processor I've used.
Another thing comes to mind when talking about digital amp model authenticity; having a clear goal of achieving authenticity is in a sense 'easier' than trying to appease to multiple requests based on nothing but subjective taste.

For years Axe Fx modeling accuracy was compromised due to 'fizz' outcries only for this artificial smoothing removed later when everybody realised real amps are fizzy too.
Are we going to keep doing that?

Edit: On the other hand, when people think something is inaccurately modeled, it should be verified for validity and directly compared to the reference hardware under the same conditions.

I think this is important. Not everyone's feedback as an end user is valid. Just don't tell them that. :LOL:

Maybe my feedback is not valid. :idk I do think one can run the risk of appeasing those who don't
know what they don't know (about how actual amps sound and interact with cabs and all that jazz),
and then that becomes a slippery slope of granting the wishes to those whose inexperience and naivete
is obvious to everyone but themselves.
I think this is important. Not everyone's feedback as an end user is valid. Just don't tell them that. :LOL:

Maybe my feedback is not valid. :idk I do think one can run the risk of appeasing those who don't
know what they don't know (about how actual amps sound and interact with cabs and all that jazz),
and then that becomes a slippery slope of granting the wishes to those whose inexperience and naivete
is obvious to everyone but themselves.
I think it’s interesting because in a lot of ways the modelling is only as good as what the end user is able to achieve. The modelling itself obviously has to deliver, but likewise, the user needs to be able to take advantage with minimum barriers/effort. We may even be at that point already - are most users really taking the fullest advantage of where modelling is at there days? how many users don’t realise they are using the “wrong” input level in a plugin? how many aren’t even using DI boxes?

Definitely somewhere that good IR’s, good default settings, good interfaces, good screens, tactile control all go a long way
I think it’s interesting because in a lot of ways the modelling is only as good as what the end user is able to achieve. The modelling itself obviously has to deliver, but likewise, the user needs to be able to take advantage with minimum barriers/effort. We may even be at that point already - are most users really taking the fullest advantage of where modelling is at there days? how many users don’t realise they are using the “wrong” input level in a plugin? how many aren’t even using DI boxes?

Definitely somewhere that good IR’s, good default settings, good interfaces, good screens, tactile control all go a long way

Precisely. For example, if you go to the Fractal Forum a lot of the same kinds of questions are asked
over and over again. There is a bit of Groundhog Day happening. :LOL:

I just wonder how much of this do we force on the developers. :idk How much ignorance and lack of effort
are we going to demand that the device designers overcome? All of it? None of it? Half of it?

There is----in my view---a lot of consumer entitlement that happens in the UI/ease of use debate. The easier we
make things to use the easier we make it for people to expect everything to be easier to use.

The Great Dumbing Down is upon us. :rofl

That's problematic, not just for designers and developers, and teachers and parents.... but for culture and
civilization as an whole, if you ask me. :idk
I think this is important. Not everyone's feedback as an end user is valid. Just don't tell them that. :LOL:

Maybe my feedback is not valid. :idk I do think one can run the risk of appeasing those who don't
know what they don't know (about how actual amps sound and interact with cabs and all that jazz),
and then that becomes a slippery slope of granting the wishes to those whose inexperience and naivete
is obvious to everyone but themselves.
this is huge.
A lot of people have no idea what it sounds like to be the microphone and be inches away from the speaker. they plug into any modeler and think it sounds awful. Sorry folks, that's what it sounds like up close. They are used to being off axis many feet away with room absorption and reflections and everything sounds different.
I, myself, rely on many of you to tell me if certain amps are accurate or not. I have exposure to some amps but not that many in the grand scheme of things.
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Precisely. For example, if you go to the Fractal Forum a lot of the same kinds of questions are asked
over and over again. There is a bit of Groundhog Day happening. :LOL:

I just wonder how much of this do we force on the developers. :idk How much ignorance and lack of effort
are we going to demand that the device designers overcome? All of it? None of it? Half of it?

There is----in my view---a lot of consumer entitlement that happens in the UI/ease of use debate. The easier we
make things to use the easier we make it for people to expect everything to be easier to use.

The Great Dumbing Down is upon us. :rofl

That's problematic, not just for designers and developers, and teachers and parents.... but for culture and
civilization as an whole, if you ask me. :idk
gets into cat and mouse at where you draw the line. Modellers by their very nature are designed for convenience and cost. Amps and recording gear are mass produced and maybe (generally) not built to last/be serviced like they used to be.

If you compare something like a Pod V1 vs a HX Stomp, the sound and features are undoubtedly an improvement. But is it as simple and intuitive to use? Has that aspect improved as much as the sound quality has?

I also think customers are right to voice what they would like, and it’s up to the manufacturers on what to listen to and what to ignore. Fractal’s passionate customer base is likely the envy of many other companies, even taking the downsides of it into account. Customers could just all accept were spoilt and don’t need anything else, but then what? Do Fractal just call it a day and move on to something else?
Beginner / average consumer < enthusiast < professional

Ease of use (low complexity) < multitude of specialized features to tackle unique and complex use cases (@JiveTurkey)

All products don't need to (and shouldn't) try to cater to everyone.


Probably the best way to induce your own failure in life if you try to. As a person, an organization, or a product. :idk
I think this is important. Not everyone's feedback as an end user is valid. Just don't tell them that. :LOL:
Yep. Anyone who has ever developed anything, ever, will quickly realize the truth of this... A lot of incoming ideas are often great for the one person requesting the feature/update but may very well break the system/work flow for most everyone else depending on the system and complexity of the flow.