Fractal Talk

I specifically manually dial phone numbers whenever possible.
aint nobody got time for that GIF
I love reading old newspaper articles and the writings of our founding fathers. The prose is beautiful and elegant. Now we have Cardi B.
We have many fine modern poets, here's some of my favorite quotes:

"Watch your back, but more importantly when you get out the shower, dry your back. Its a cold world out there."
"I promise you if I stop, it doesn't mean I gave up"
(while quitting the Hot Ones hot wing challenge after two wings)
-DJ Khaled

"She blow that dick like a cello" - Lil' Yachty
When asked to explain himself, the rap artist said: “Before you come at me, I'ma let you know, I'ma blame my A&R,” he said. “Because he listened to that song many times and he allowed me to say that. I guess for a second, I thought a cello was a woodwind instrument and it is not. And nobody ever said shit. Nobody ever pulled up a pic and said, "Hey man. I don’t know if you know what this is, but it ain’t that.” I fucked up. I thought Squidward played the cello. He don’t. That’s a flute. I fucked up."

white famous GIF by Showtime
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I specifically manually dial phone numbers whenever possible. The phone on my desk is an old touch-tone phone. This helps keep my memory sharp. If you become reliant on technology your brain gets weak. It's a muscle.

Present-day humans are disappointing. They're weak and lazy. Easy times have led to many people becoming a pitiful excuse for a human being.

I love reading old newspaper articles and the writings of our founding fathers. The prose is beautiful and elegant. Now we have Cardi B.
I don't dial phone numbers but I do keep my mind sharp by writing code, music and poetry daily. When I am not doing that, I am working on our cars, the house, carpentry, electrical, our laying hen chickens, etc. I limit my tv input to a single movie or episode of a tv show on any single night and many nights of the week I don't watch any. When I do watch the boob tube, I will not watch anything that has commercials (FZ taught me at a young age what that slime oozing out from your tv set is for) unless it is the super bowl or the occasional SNL (though many times each of those turns out to be a waste of time in retrospect). I read a lot but it is mostly about legal issues I am currently litigating and/or music production/creation/recording related material. Plenty there to fill my days and nights.

I do agree that present-day humans are disappointing but I have felt that way most of my life, though it has been accelerating! I read a few years back that to lead our western world lifestyle of today, we would have needed about 25 helpers (slaves, employees, whatever you want to call them) 3,000 years ago. Point is, laziness has been a brewing for millennia and I think most hope that it does not reverse ;~)) Idiocracy, here we come (though some say we are already there)!
I don't dial phone numbers but I do keep my mind sharp by writing code, music and poetry daily. When I am not doing that, I am working on our cars, the house, carpentry, electrical, our laying hen chickens, etc. I limit my tv input to a single movie or episode of a tv show on any single night and many nights of the week I don't watch any. When I do watch the boob tube, I will not watch anything that has commercials (FZ taught me at a young age what that slime oozing out from your tv set is for) unless it is the super bowl or the occasional SNL (though many times each of those turns out to be a waste of time in retrospect). I read a lot but it is mostly about legal issues I am currently litigating and/or music production/creation/recording related material. Plenty there to fill my days and nights.

I do agree that present-day humans are disappointing but I have felt that way most of my life, though it has been accelerating! I read a few years back that to lead our western world lifestyle of today, we would have needed about 25 helpers (slaves, employees, whatever you want to call them) 3,000 years ago. Point is, laziness has been a brewing for millennia and I think most hope that it does not reverse ;~)) Idiocracy, here we come (though some say we are already there)!
Sorry but I think you could do more. Please report back to the group in two weeks ready to report changes you've made to improve your process and methods.
"She blow that dick like a cello" - Lil' Yachty
When asked to explain himself, the rap artist said: “Before you come at me, I'ma let you know, I'ma blame my A&R,” he said. “Because he listened to that song many times and he allowed me to say that. I guess for a second, I thought a cello was a woodwind instrument and it is not. And nobody ever said shit. Nobody ever pulled up a pic and said, "Hey man. I don’t know if you know what this is, but it ain’t that.” I fucked up. I thought Squidward played the cello. He don’t. That’s a flute. I fucked up."

I love him for this :love

There's also no shortage of dumb lyrics/lyrics that don't make sense from every era of music also :cop