Fractal Audio Firmware Update Thread

Im curious as to how cliff will implement the new upcoming Cabs ?
i can say that the Helix cabs are now so easy to dial in, while there are still some IR that i really like for specific tones
ill still go to the cabs first
but ill be anxious to see how Cliff goes about it
I'm curious too. If it's his version of what Line 6 has done or Two Notes that would be very cool.
Im curious as to how cliff will implement the new upcoming Cabs ?
i can say that the Helix cabs are now so easy to dial in, while there are still some IR that i really like for specific tones
ill still go to the cabs first
but ill be anxious to see how Cliff goes about it
I have a sneaking suspicion that FAS may not be working alone it’s a wild guess at best , but will see
Sorry am I’m ruining the little safe haven from the meanies over at the “other place”.
A point of clarification here: I didn't leave the "the other place" to get away from the meanies. I left the other place because...I finally realized I had actually become the meanie. I was a dick to people that annoyed me over there. And not in a way where I was trying to enlighten them, but do it with "tough love", snark, and maybe a sense of humor. I was a dick to them because it made me feel better. And as that realization set in, I decided I should probably see myself out.
A point of clarification here: I didn't leave the "the other place" to get away from the meanies. I left the other place because...I finally realized I had actually become the meanie. I was a dick to people that annoyed me over there. And not in a way where I was trying to enlighten them, but do it with "tough love", snark, and maybe a sense of humor. I was a dick to them because it made me feel better. And as that realization set in, I decided I should probably see myself out.

I've left forums before because I felt that way. It stopped being fun. Time to find somewhere else.
Ohhh for sure! My opinion doesnt mean a thing. BUT you qouting and others quoting me so much makes me question that.
If you participate on a forum it’s reasonable to expect interaction….

The thing is to me your Fractal Audio wet blanket routine though amusing is tiresome after all these years. I don’t ignore people. I discuss things with them.
Oh, you thought I was referring to you? No, actually, these days you remind me of the kid that makes his way from friend-group to friend-group on my 9 year old's playground saying/doing stuff that he knows will make that friend-group mad. If he doesn't get the response he wanted, he moves to a different friend-group, or sometimes will just sit on the same group for days until he fiiiiiiiiinally gets the mad response he was looking for. To no surprise of any adult watching this whole thing unfold, he then pretends like its the fault of the other kids' for not being able to take a joke. The most hilarious, predictable joke ever...
Amazon Prime Dad GIF by The Boys

You should probably get that looked at and make sure your Schwartz isn’t bent

Oh that’s in fine condition. I care about that. I’m never having kids so those flux capacitors are practically useless aside from that whole testosterone thing.…..but I’m 40 now, aren’t I supposed to get shots for that?
Im curious as to how cliff will implement the new upcoming Cabs ?
i can say that the Helix cabs are now so easy to dial in, while there are still some IR that i really like for specific tones
ill still go to the cabs first
but ill be anxious to see how Cliff goes about it
Fractal has had the ability to blend IRs together on the box itself for a long time already - those are your 4 IR slots on the cab block. So that's already a big part of the tech needed.

I would expect that they might be doing a similar thing as Line6 did - find out how many IRs are relevant for blending to figure out how much storage and memory you need. As few IRs as is needed so that the user does not notice gaps in moving the mic.

For Axe-Edit the UI is simple. Drag a virtual mic with a mouse.

For the onboard UI, this is how I would do it, if they do a "blend two mics" system like QC and Helix:
  • A controls mic 1 X axis. B controls Y axis.
  • D & E move mic 2 in the same manner.
  • C knob controls the blend between the two mics.
  • Might need to toggle something to adjust the distance or angle, if they support such things.
Fractal tends to go above and beyond for their features so I'll be interested to see what they make.
So anyone check out that new IR Cliff posted? If you did did it make you immediately want to
FAP in front of a picture of Fractal Headquarters? :idk

I need to give it a listen. OS Mesa Cab so I am thinking paired with a Recto might be fun.
I did and I didn't care for it
I keep waiting for the Boss IRs to get dethroned. I'm going to give it a go this week at some point.
It's definitely an interesting IR. Swapping between a traditional one and the new one Cliff shared, it almost felt like it was recorded at a distance.

But reading further it appears to be a condenser mic so I'll have to try it with a 57 or something. I just had it solo
I tend to not like condensers on cabs/speakers--especially with a lot of gain like would be used with a
MESA OS 4 x 12. :idk

Great for drum overheads and acoustic instruments, vocals, but not my preference for
close-micing a guitar cab.

Still haven't heard it. I am going to try and plop it on my Challenege submission for this week,
where I am all Recto so far.