What are we watching now?

One of my favorite movies of all time. Sean Penn is also incredible here.

Pacino loses his way with his accent occasionally, but everything else about the film (including his performance) is so strong, these monkey details fall by the wayside.

I think Sean Penn is easily the best actor of his generation; I just love his performances, and this one especially. His reaction to James Rebhorn (Da-Da-Dum!) is just The Best. It's also the funniest I've ever seen Al Pacino. He's so incredibly capable, I feel like this is one of the roles of his where you get see the biggest range of his ability.

I love his accent in this, and I love his morphing in and out too haha. He's so good in his acting, his loss of the accent doesn't take you out of the moment! My wife and I always break down people's accents, and the one guy who seems never to break ever is Christian Bale. You should check out Out of The Furnace.
Dressed to Kill

Re: The elevator
The part of that that's most disturbing is where her hand is laying across the partially open elevator door and it keeps moving every few seconds as the doc (I assume) is kicking her already lifeless body inside.

Freaks me out that he can viciously slash the woman to death yet still has enough rage left over that he has to repeatedly stomp on her for good measure.
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Roadhouse remake now available. I might take the hit for the team :unsure:
Just watched Carlito's Way for the millionth time. That may be my favorite performance of Al Pacino's. He's truly the best. He's working every second in that film. I love actors who don't get lazy.
P.S. A related anecdote: A few weeks ago I walked into a bar and ordered a beer, looked around, and noticed the only thing hanging on the walls was a single photo: a framed, poster-sized shot of Pacino making his "trick shot" in Carlito's Way. I told the bartender, "Somebody's got good taste in movies." She looked perplexed, so I pointed at Pacino and said, "Carlito's Way". She coolly replied, "Oh. That would be the owner."

I don't know what possessed me to walk into this one, but I actually said, "Great film. I saw it in the theater back in 1992 or '93." And naturally she said, "I wasn't alive then", and made off fairly abruptly. :D
I've never watched the Wizard. Thanks :hmm
I'll be watching it for 9 hours across the next 3 days - as performed primarily by other people's kids at my daughter's middle school. I think she has about 5 minutes of stage time. Toeing that fine line between "doting parent" and "weirdo". :oops: The things we do for love...