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Close Encounters totally has the Spielberg magic. I love how the door closes as you see the kids breathing their own toys.

To me 2001 is just a masterpiece. Everything about it.

I can't stand 2010. I hate that director. Same douche who made Capricorn One. Man, he took a masterpiece and followed it up with something akin to 80s television. I do like the scene where the line "My God, it's full of stars" keeps repeating in a pitch shifted voice. But to me it wreaks of bad directing when good actors do a bad job. Here you have Roy Scheider, a very cool actor who was capable of cool stuff absolutely doing a fan fisted job. I could write a long essay on how every part of Clark's novel was cheapened by the movie.
Insert Timecop gif here
We saw The Abyss last night. I used to love that film, and I still love a lot about it. Ed Harris is unbelievably wonderful in it. To me it shows exactly how great of an actor he is. It's right up there with Jackknife as a showcase for how great he truly is. And this film is also great because of Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio. She is so intensely present and not holding back that it rips my throat out every time. She's so great in this and in Class Action.

To me the problem is the dumb dialog and the undercooked plot. Just lazy writing. James Cameron had this same kind of feel in Aliens, which I shit on. He made a great cast lesser somehow. But I actually thought Michael Biehn, who strikes me as particularly dumb in general (just try and sit through Rampage), was great in this.
But, to quote Courtney Cox in Friends, "He totally turned back time!"
I like some of Hyam's work. JVCD stuff included :bag "Stay Tuned" with John Ritter was great at the time, imo. Running Scared as well as Amazing Stories too. I think I liked Outland at the time, with Connery?

TBF; I am as far removed from the 2001/2010 target audience as you could probably get. I love Kubrick, generally speaking; but those films are a bit too deep in ways that don't interest me. AKA I'm too dumb for this stuff just entertain me :oops::ROFLMAO:
I like some of Hyam's work. JVCD stuff included :bag "Stay Tuned" with John Ritter was great at the time, imo. Running Scared as well as Amazing Stories too. I think I liked Outland at the time, with Connery?

Okay, I do think The Star Chamber is okay. I love Van Damme, but Hyams can go suck a big one. I saw Sudden Death in the theater opening night, and I was just dying the whole time. Newt Arnold or nothing!!!

jean claude van damme thumbs up GIF