Think it could have anything to do with this insufferably smug response? This is what he thought of the source material, so quite frankly, FUCK David Gordon Green.
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"Why would I need the creator of the original's input? LMFAO, I'm DAVID FUCKING GORDON GREEN and I'm amazing! Just ask me! Maybe he can provide a song or something, but really, I'm a MUCH better filmmaker than he is."
Two years later, there are reviews that he is "the worst director alive" and has dropped out of doing the sequels, supposedly. Fucking grifter; go back to comedy, hack.
The first Halloween (well, technically now the third film to be titled "Halloween", so I'll refer to it as "Blumoween") was decent enough. However, the mob rules aspect of the sequel and the "evil dies tonight" shit was obnoxious. Laurie does nothing most of the movie (congrat to Jamie for collecting a check doing next to fuck all), while the final film in the trilogy was so fucking bad. He had no plans to do a "Laurie and Michael" movie in the final film of his trilogy WHERE THE WHOLE GODDAMN POINT is to have a final confrontation between Laurie and Michael! That hamfisted shit at the end was sort tof lazy and reeks of, "I don't know, he uh... shows up or something, and she likes, I don't know... does a thing or two, and maybe someone shows up, they kill him, bing bang boom. Done."
To reiterate, and in summation, fuck DGG. He's a piece of shit and I'm tired of comedy hacks who couldn't make you laugh if you were ODing on laughing gas thinking they can make horror movies.