What are we watching now?

I can set aside time for a long movie I am super stoked on. Oppenheimer just isn't quite that movie? Last one of that nature I watched was Killers of the Flower Moon.
I watched a documentary on that story years ago. Man, people can be so shitty. :brick

Nuclear bombs and killing for $$$$. So uplifting. :LOL:
We just finished the original Twin Peaks series. They could have cut out more than half of it that was badly written soap opera filler. So much was unwatchable, but the essence of it was interesting; it was kind of a play off of the same concept as the book Legion by William Peter Blatty, which was then contorted into The Exorcist III: Legion, a film I love. That said, I do love aspects of the show, Kyle MacLachlan's pure earnestness, and the parts of David Lynch I love. A few parts were hilarious in a good way, and Miguel Ferrer was just great. I reiterate my utter hatred for many of the performances, especially Piper Laurie, who had arguably the most soap opera-esque performance of any of them, and apparently won an Emmy award for it.

But we soldier on. Tonight we'll watch the prequel Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, then we'll go into the 2017 mini series. Everything from here on out is directed by David Lynch, so that's a good sign, mostly. I say mostly because I couldn't stand Inland Empire, which is more recent, and I'm hoping the 2017 mini series is not like that.
I love Twin Peaks :rofl

I feel like I wasn't smart enough for Inland Empire. I would give it another watch since its been years but it
s so friggen long
The Gentlemen on Netflix.
2 episodes in, so far so good👍

Damnit, I didn’t know this was going to be on Netflix.

To be fair, I didn’t even know it was going to be a show until I read this thread today. Did they release all the episodes or are they doing one a week/half season?
Ok. I am Cherrio/Drew locked to the couch and in for Oppenheimer. :stirthepot:knit
The Blacklist Sleep GIF by NBC
Went to see Dune: Part 2. I enjoyed it, but feel like it could have used more political scheming and fleshing out the Harkonnens who are a bit too caricature evil. Instead it has a few too many action scenes that don't really advance the plot. There's also multiple points where I thought the film would end but it kept going.

They did nail the scale of the sandworms tho! It's definitely a film best enjoyed in a big theater.

I need to rewatch the first part.
So the first 2 hours of Oppenheimer and I am ready to declare it one
of the best movies I have ever seen. It is impeccable film-making and
storytelling on every level.

Then the last hour of the film happens. It just bogs down. It gets slow
and slogging and I had to power through to the finish.

It honestly felt like 2 different movies. One of Oppenheimer and the
events leading up to Trinity. Then another hour on events after WWII
and Oppenheimer having to defend his integrity and patriotism.

First 2 hours a solid 9.5. Last hour a meager 5. If they had edited the
last hour a little tighter and made it 30 minutes the movie would
have watched better. But Nolan is going to Nolan. :LOL:
So the first 2 hours of Oppenheimer and I am ready to declare it one
of the best movies I have ever seen. It is impeccable film-making and
storytelling on every level.

Then the last hour of the film happens. It just bogs down. It gets slow
and slogging and I had to power through to the finish.

It honestly felt like 2 different movies. One of Oppenheimer and the
events leading up to Trinity. Then another hour on events after WWII
and Oppenheimer having to defend his integrity and patriotism.

First 2 hours a solid 9.5. Last hour a meager 5. If they had edited the
last hour a little tighter and made it 30 minutes the movie would
have watched better. But Nolan is going to Nolan. :LOL:
It’s the quintessential Nolan movie. Both good and bad.
Watching The Gentlemen.

Entertaining enough but like a lot of Guy Ritchie's stuff it's wordier than it needs to be and spells out the things that don't need spelling out.
SoaceX Fakcon 9 launch in 7 minutes. Going outside to watch after liftoff. Takes about a minute or two to become visible from Orlando.
I have been watching Svengoolie on the DVR this week.


Sunday - Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Monday - Kolchak: The Night Strangler
Tuesday - Trilogy of Terror
Wednesday - Killer Klowns From Outer Space
Thursday - 13 Ghosts (1960)
Friday - The Raven (since Joe Bob is hosting a Last Drive In honoring Roger Corman tomorrow)
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