He also talked about how odd the "deck" can be when you are piping all
guitar through IEMs and no cabs on stage. I agree. I have been to shows
like that and you stand right on front of the stage and all you get is drums,
drums, drums. It makes for a fucked up experience.
Now the best place to stand is often the worst----because you are not far back
enough from the stage/deck to get any guitars/bass from the Mains.
He jokes he is a "Grumpy Old Man," but damn, I can't help but feel he is fighting
the good fight. Pretty much agree with everything Joe said about live music in this
day and age. He's not wrong, if you ask me.
And most of what he said I have experienced directly. Oh, that Deluxe Reverb on 3
is too loud. I can turn it down, but then I can't be heard over the drums.
The Pussification of Live Music and the Neutering Of Guitarists has been a 20 year
Passion Project for many venues and their douchebag FOH "engineers."