What are we watching now?

Went to Evil Dead Rise on Friday. Wasn't sure what the angle was going to be on this. It starts in one direction then makes a left turn for the majority of the film. Gory as F once it gets going, pretty damn jumpy in all the right ways. Really good and super creepy on top of that. FX are great and there is almost a callback to the Thing at one point. Performances were exactly what they need to be as well. I really enjoyed it.
I've been meaning to go see it, maybe on the weekend.

I love all the Evil Dead movies and the TV series is fantastic fun. I get the new movie is going to be pretty different but I hope it retains some of the vibe.
Just watched through the Avatar movies with the kids… I mean… I guess they’re ok (kids are not ok… they feel bad for being humans now)
I remember the first being quite impressive back when it came… but this new one “way of the water”…. Damn my eyes were really tired after 3 hours of super ridiculously well made animations mixed with real stuff….
Anyway… it’s really an eye beater on a 4K screen. Basically I enjoyed every minute of this eye candy stuff. But it also made me ignore the actual content which was… sometimes to much of nothing…

Still… perfectly fine watching just because the quality.
They are so good visually but god damn, the writing is just so bad. They have some really good ideas that they manage to squander by being so predictable and cookie cutter in the plot department.

I'll still probably go watch the 3rd one when it gets released. :facepalm
Watched Bloodsport and Death Warrant over the weekend. Acting perfection
jean claude van damme dancing GIF
I swear the movie industry needs to start doing more cocaine because there's so many ridiculous action movies from the 1980s and 1990s that make you wonder how it ever got made. We need more of that, less movies designed in boardrooms and quarterly profit meetings.
They are so good visually but god damn, the writing is just so bad. They have some really good ideas that they manage to squander by being so predictable and cookie cutter in the plot department.

I'll still probably go watch the 3rd one when it gets released. :facepalm
I have heard the newest one is sitting for 3 hours while blue animals get slaughtered. No thanks :poop:

This was an outstanding documentary… re: Edward Snowden

Shows the real time disclosure of the event, including the whys, who and what where.

Especially if you follow Glen Greenwald, formally of Slate, (whose husband, David Miranda recently died last week), more recently TC.

David was the one who moved the files from Berlin to Brazil, physically being detained in the UK mid journey.

This is soooooooooooooooooooo good. Rick really gets Daniel to open up more. You can tell
Daniel likes Rick, and appreciates his questions.

It's just a total master class in production, and the psychology and soul of making music and being
creative. He's a genius in my book. :chef

I started watching From tonight, that first episode sucked me right in! We’ll see if it can keep my attention, but that was a really great start.
Nice! I came to this thread hoping to see this comment after eating through season 1 this week
Nice! I came to this thread hoping to see this comment after eating through season 1 this week

I’m binging through it, it’s got a few spots of sh*tty acting/dialogue but outside of that I’m really digging it. I saw someone say it had a bit of a Lost feel and I immediately looked it up because of my love of Lost, I’d agree with that comparison. All this crazy sh*t going on and every couple episodes another mysterious thing pops up. Just hoping they keep it running long enough to explain everything!
I’m binging through it, it’s got a few spots of sh*tty acting/dialogue but outside of that I’m really digging it. I saw someone say it had a bit of a Lost feel and I immediately looked it up because of my love of Lost, I’d agree with that comparison. All this crazy sh*t going on and every couple episodes another mysterious thing pops up. Just hoping they keep it running long enough to explain everything!
I heard it’s produced by some of the producers of Lost
I heard it’s produced by some of the producers of Lost

I'm all caught up. :ROFLMAO:

It stretches a bit here and there, just some of the scenes/character writing is entirely unneeded. IE- When EVERYTHING going on is absolutely f*cking crazy and NOTHING makes any sense, is it REALLY important to spend 3 minutes on a scene where one guy questions the other over the legitimacy of his claims?! Do we really need a teenager acting like a pouting brat when there's

Any of you into these "ghosts/hauntings" videos/shows? I find the ones that look to be genuine, fascinating. And I find the ones that are obvious hoaxes to make me want to strangle the uploader! Anything for a fucking view! Dickheads.

Otoh, if you have the skills to make it look like a girl truly got yanked up and out of her bed, more power to ya. Sure looks real. :eek:
Been watching Fubar on Netflix. Kind of a Santa Clarita if it was written for Schwarzenegger. Pretty light but actually really good.
Watched Year of the Dragon with Mickey Rourke (as well as the Pledge where has a bit part) in the past few days. It really is a shame that his plastic surgery situation got so out of hand. What a great actor :(
Finished up Fubar. Really good turn off your brain and just have a few laughs at Arnold vibe. Really good.
Any of you into these "ghosts/hauntings" videos/shows? I find the ones that look to be genuine, fascinating. And I find the ones that are obvious hoaxes to make me want to strangle the uploader! Anything for a f*****g view! Dickheads.

Otoh, if you have the skills to make it look like a girl truly got yanked up and out of her bed, more power to ya. Sure looks real. :eek:

I didn’t even know there were ones that felt legitimate, I watched a few when they first started popping up and just couldn’t do it, it all seemed staged to me.

That stuff is like Ancient Aliens to me, I LOVE the context and historical aspects of it, but once it gets into the “Oh, here’s a clay pot that’s been smashed to 4,000 tiny fragments that we only have 4 of, see on this one? Doesn’t that look like an alien’s eye? ALIENS!!!!”

In almost all the footage I’ve seen of the ghost stuff, every logical explanation is avoided because “GHOSTS!!! Ignore that open window over there blowing sh*t all over the room!”

But if there are some ones that seem more legit, I’m down!