I mean, there’s the Inception, Pi, Clockwork Orange, etc kind of WTF? that’s great, I love that stuff. Gore WTF? I can’t do anymore, which I think is interesting because that stuff never even registered to me before, but the realistic gore I just can’t do. Totally fine with stuff like Kill Bill, but I guarantee I could not make it through Hostel right now and I used to love grossing people out with that movie.
Dead Ringers isn’t really horror gore, pretty sure those were all legit procedures but they show everything and the way a particuliar scene was edited was, hahah that was too much for me. I can’t see the inside of bodies, man. My ex used to watch surgery videos and I just get limp, like if someone ever wanted to rob me very easily, they can just show me a surgery video and I’ll turn to jello.