What are we watching now?

New (last) season of Barry on HBO
Hulu autoplayed some FX music comedy with denis leary last night. Seemed way t0o hokey to keep watching beyond the first episode, but the biggest offense was them showing a JVM 410 on stage in a flashback to the early 90s :hmm
Hulu autoplayed some FX music comedy with denis leary last night. Seemed way t0o hokey to keep watching beyond the first episode, but the biggest offense was them showing a JVM 410 on stage in a flashback to the early 90s :hmm
Oh that R'N'R show. Looked super dumb. Watch Rescue Me or The Ref if you're doing something with Denis Leary.
For me, generally speaking, any denis leary is too much denis leary

I watched the high fidelity series when it came out, I don't really remember much of it though :LOL:
I loved it. I mean, Zoe Kravitz. Come on. :LOL:

It has a lot of dialogue and riffs on music, some great comedy, and a little
sexy time.

Still has that Indy Record Store vibe, but with someone more pleasant to look at than
John Cusack or Denis Leary, for that matter.

30 minute episodes. Eazy Breezy! :beer
I really HATED the beginning of that last season. In jokes about an in joke of an in joke of a tv series is barf city for me.
The ending of last season was nuts so I'm curious how it all ends... and thankful that they are actually ending it and not just ghosting it out like so many shows these days.

But I will miss Noho Hank.. he needs a spinoff show, seriously

The ending of last season was nuts so I'm curious how it all ends... and thankful that they are actually ending it and not just ghosting it out like so many shows these days.

But I will miss Noho Hank.. he needs a spinoff show, seriously


Man, I totally forgot he was on that show. I started watching it, I think I might have even gotten to the 2nd season but I always fall off every time I start again. It might just be one of those shows where I’ve seen it a bunch of times but it’s so spaced apart that I don’t know what’s going on in the story but a re-watch is too soon. I love that bald dude, though!
Still finishing up Orphan Black, paused on it a bit. Started watching Dead Ringers on Prime, the first minute hooked me in and then it traumatized me with some pretty intense birthing/c-section scenes. I wasn’t prepared for that, despite that warning. Only 5 episodes and I fell asleep somewhere in the 3rd. Not even sure what category to put that show under aside from ‘dark’.
Still finishing up Orphan Black, paused on it a bit. Started watching Dead Ringers on Prime, the first minute hooked me in and then it traumatized me with some pretty intense birthing/c-section scenes. I wasn’t prepared for that, despite that warning. Only 5 episodes and I fell asleep somewhere in the 3rd. Not even sure what category to put that show under aside from ‘dark’.

Started watching this, only a few episodes in. Hoping something crazy starts to happen. :idk I'm assuming/hoping it will since it's based on a Cronenburg book (that I know nothing about) and amazon has it classified as "horror/thriller"
Started watching this, only a few episodes in. Hoping something crazy starts to happen. :idk I'm assuming/hoping it will since it's based on a Cronenburg book (that I know nothing about) and amazon has it classified as "horror/thriller"

Those birthing scenes were pretty horrific!!!! :rofl

I woke up to the 5th episode and saw a major spoiler, I wouldn’t call it horror but it does seem to be headed for some craziness.
Just wrapped that up…..it’s uh….I won’t be watching that again. It certainly had ways of drawing me in but ultimately felt spread thin at the end, like there were too many dynamics occurring within too few episodes. The ending leaves far more questions than answers, which someone probably felt was clever but when the questions outweigh what you’re given it misses the mark.

If WTF? were a genre, I’d say this falls under WTF?/Gore/Suspense.
Man, I feel like WTF is literally 90% of TV and Movies. Which is why I imbibe lightly. Very lightly. :knit
I eat up wtf like candy but I’m mostly to the point where I feel like I’ve watched everything :(

Oh well time to learn how to solo outside of the 5 penta boxes I guess :rofl

(He says knowing he’ll just watch ancient alien reruns and beyond trash horror instead)
I mean, there’s the Inception, Pi, Clockwork Orange, etc kind of WTF? that’s great, I love that stuff. Gore WTF? I can’t do anymore, which I think is interesting because that stuff never even registered to me before, but the realistic gore I just can’t do. Totally fine with stuff like Kill Bill, but I guarantee I could not make it through Hostel right now and I used to love grossing people out with that movie.

Dead Ringers isn’t really horror gore, pretty sure those were all legit procedures but they show everything and the way a particuliar scene was edited was, hahah that was too much for me. I can’t see the inside of bodies, man. My ex used to watch surgery videos and I just get limp, like if someone ever wanted to rob me very easily, they can just show me a surgery video and I’ll turn to jello.