I COULD NOT get into this last season. Too much hollywood injoking. Did they move past that?I just finished season 3 of Barry starring Bill Hader and Fonzi. Hader is great in it but Hank, Fuches, and Mr. Cousineau is what keeps me watching. I guess season 4 is due out soon and will be the final season.
I COULD NOT get into this last season. Too much hollywood injoking. Did they move past that?
I get that. It didn’t bother me - I did like that it showed the human/emotional side of Joel. But yeah, I could’ve used a bit more zombies and a bit more action. What they had, I thought they did well. And I was pleasantly surprised overall… not expecting much from a video game based series.Finished up this season of Last of Us last night. Wayyyyyyyyyyy too much feelings. I need excitement. AKA Too Emotionally Shallow For Last of UsTM
I liked the first Silent Hill and a few of the Resident Evil adaptationsI get that. It didn’t bother me - I did like that it showed the human/emotional side of Joel. But yeah, I could’ve used a bit more zombies and a bit more action. What they had, I thought they did well. And I was pleasantly surprised overall… not expecting much from a video game based series.
Anyone take a dive into this new series yet? I think I am going to plunge into these Fleetwood Mac
inspired water this weekend.
Finished up this season of Last of Us last night. Wayyyyyyyyyyy too much feelings. I need excitement. AKA Too Emotionally Shallow For Last of UsTM
I've spent an entire season wondering why I am still watching itI’ve been loving this show but the last episode didn’t do it for me. Just seemed far too condensed after an 8-episode lead up just to have it all undone in the span of 10-15 minutes. Seems people who have played the game are digging it but stated they did cut a lot out from the game and I’m guessing that’s the hang up I’m having that game players are not.
I’m with you on the 28 Days Later and Dawn of the Dead! We need more!I liked the first Silent Hill and a few of the Resident Evil adaptationsI never played the games so I have no attachment to the original storyline. Just give me 28 Days Later/Dawn of the Dead remake mashup levels of excitement and gore and I am good. This wasn't the story for me.
That’s on my list - coming up soon.I’ve been loving this! It’s really well done; great acting and the sets/time period aspects are really well thought out. Hollywood is getting better at filling musician roles with musicians or training actors to “play” much better.
It’s fun while having a serious undertone the entire time and the music doesn’t suck. IMDrewB gives it an 8.5 because I love sh*t like this.
It was an incredibly well made series but I think it could have used a few more episodes, it goes to the finale way too quickly which ends up diminishing its impact. At least one more episode before the last one would have done good.I get that. It didn’t bother me - I did like that it showed the human/emotional side of Joel. But yeah, I could’ve used a bit more zombies and a bit more action. What they had, I thought they did well. And I was pleasantly surprised overall… not expecting much from a video game based series.
It was an incredibly well made series but I think it could have used a few more episodes, it goes to the finale way too quickly which ends up diminishing its impact. At least one more episode before the last one would have done good.
At least for the 2nd game they have promised it will be more than one season, which is pretty essential with more main characters with mostly separate storylines.
Overall I think they hit most of the game's major story beats perfectly and all the casting choices were excellent. I loved what they did with the 3rd episode considering in the game it's largely just hinted.