What are we watching now?

We've just started rewatching Fringe. We haven't seen it since it finished its run on TV.

Just finished "Cunk on Earth" on netflix

The humor was right up my alley and bonus points for every time my wife rolled her eyes
'In the Night Garden', thanks to my 18 month old 😵‍💫
Goosebumps man…

If I remember (hard to remember those days… maybe because of that show…) I was equally hooked as my children was. I could just sit and watch that… stuff… for a hour not knowing that the calculated (probably by mad scientists) time per episode was tailored for small children brains.

Actually think I may have been a little damaged after that… my kids are ok though.
Watched a couple of comedy specials.

Chris Rock (NF). Hit upon the topics you expect to hit upon. I've always liked him; but he is not as much of a GOAT in my mind. Good watch if you dig his overall vibe.

Marlon Wayans. He is VERY hit or miss. Sometimes too concerned with pursuing dumb humor at the cost of other approaches that might work for him. This latest special is pretty much mostly centered on one of the topics Rock hits upon. And Wayans is actually hilarious in tackling it as there is a super personal connection to the situation at hand. If you enjoy his humor; give it a chance. It's a one note subject matter but damned if I didn't enjoy that single note :rofl
Goosebumps man…

If I remember (hard to remember those days… maybe because of that show…) I was equally hooked as my children was. I could just sit and watch that… stuff… for a hour not knowing that the calculated (probably by mad scientists) time per episode was tailored for small children brains.

Actually think I may have been a little damaged after that… my kids are ok though.

Yeah I won't lie, if wife isn't in the room I'll make sure she knows by shouting "Oh GOD it's a Ninky-Nonk episode again..." or "HANNAH! Come quick! It's a PINKY PONK episode!"
We're going to see the live show in a couple of months.
Went to see the new Ant-Man movie recently. I like a good Marvel romp every now and then, enjoyed the previous films with the character but Quantumania was just a turd really.

Its jokes don't land, it has some pretty fantastic visuals and creatures that then go entirely unused and the big villain is defeated all too easily. It has all the usual tropes that are getting way too old at this point, like a horde of faceless henchmen and everyone taking their helmets off all the damn time because "Ya gotta see the actors!" It even retcons some of the things from the past movies and there's even a "no time to explain" scene where the characters had all the time to explain.

It lacks heart, it's poorly written, almost like something created by a committee based on projected quarterly financials rather than moviemakers trying to make a good film.
Marvel lost me at endgame… All these characters are now all WoC? Ha ha ha

Same for Isaac Asimov‘s Foundation series… WTF?
After finding out Kevin Can F Himself was filmed in Brockton, MA, I had to watch it. Such a trip seeing streets and buildings I drove by for years being framed as something different. There was one shot of a police station, about 15 years ago it was a sh*tty bar with bullet holes in the windows. :rofl

The show itself is really interesting; it’s, literally, half-sitcom and half-drama. In sitcom mode there’s canned audience laughter, the coloring is bright and looks like a sitcom and really stupid dialogue, intentionally. Then it cuts to a serious scene and the coloring changes to a more realistic/dreary color and it’s now a serious scene. The gist of it is a woman who is sick of her d******d husband and starts plotting how to get away from him.

It takes about 2 episodes to get into and the sitcom stuff almost got me to stop watching until the flip happened. The husband is basically a live action Peter Griffin and the dialogue in the sitcom scenes is over the top stupid. Some stuff they NAILED for being a South of Boston city; people drinking Dunkin ice coffees in the middle of winter is pretty much a Massachusetts staple, the way people dress and look is fairly spot on. Accents are a bit over the top and most are closer to a Rhode Island accent than Mass.
The random “Yankees Suck” chants that pop up is like riding the T in Boston.

Really cool take on how to drop serious content into a sitcom and as stupid as the sitcom scenes are, it works out well as the show moves along. Only 2 seasons.
Watched 6 episodes of Daisy Jones And The Six last night. I never do that!

Sucker for anything music related when it comes to a movie or series. It
definitely has that 1970's Laurel Canyon vibe. Blake Mills, et al did a great
job of capturing that vibe with the original music. Well done!

Yes, there are ton of music tropes and stereotypes in it that get played out
to the Nines. It also feels produced/written by a woman. I love women, but
it has this Hallmark sheen/vibe to the writing.

I'll watch the other 2 episodes tonight and then give it a score then.
A fun and easy to digest series that is music related is the
Hulu remake of High Fidelity. It has Zoe Kravitz in it as Jon Cusack.

Lots of great dialogue. Very funny. Anyone who has struggled with the
trajectory of making a living in music (in any way) will relate to that
series. 30 minute episodes make it a breeze to get through, too.
Oh, and Zoe f'ing Kravitz! :banana
Finished up S1 of Perry Mason last night. Other than the religious sect subplot; it was actually pretty darn good. S2 should be interesting I hope.