What are we watching now?

We watched The Wizard of Lies, where Robert De Niro plays Bernie Madoff. I really do not like old De Niro. I think he stopped acting somewhere in his 50s or 60s. In most performances I've seen of him later in life he's just the same all the time. No nuance, no nothing. Same guy you see in interviews: contemptuous, judgmental, dickish, bored... Compare that to him actually trying. Watch The Mission. Watch The Deer Hunter, Taxi Driver, Cape Fear, etc.

I can't stand to watch him at this stage of life. I think he was notably different in The Irishman, but even that was not that much more in the parameters of his performance. It was still just him, but actually allowing some emotion. I'm so sick of that guy.
We watched The Wizard of Lies, where Robert De Niro plays Bernie Madoff. I really do not like old De Niro. I think he stopped acting somewhere in his 50s or 60s. In most performances I've seen of him later in life he's just the same all the time. No nuance, no nothing. Same guy you see in interviews: contemptuous, judgmental, dickish, bored... Compare that to him actually trying. Watch The Mission. Watch The Deer Hunter, Taxi Driver, Cape Fear, etc.

I can't stand to watch him at this stage of life. I think he was notably different in The Irishman, but even that was not that much more in the parameters of his performance. It was still just him, but actually allowing some emotion. I'm so sick of that guy.
I blame the Fockers.
I've been on a brutal movie run recently; last night we watched Bad Lieutenant from 1992. My God, this was one of the greatest acting performances I've ever seen. Harvey Keitel was amazing. This is the kind of performance you almost never get to see. This is not a great director, so it was weirdly incongruous how incredible Keitel was in juxtaposition to the directing. But no matter, if you don't mind going into the filthiest portrayal of NYC with pure, animal despair in every moment, this is the film for you.
We watched BL II yesterday. Nicolas Cage god-tier performance and actually not near as bad as what you would think. Some great dialog as well :oops: :ROFLMAO:
I watched it last night. Really cool twist using the slashers viewpoint, and some holy shit kills.

It did though feel like an open world video game, with some comical voiceovers and the player moving between cutscenes.

Def worth a watch for horror fans.

I was sooooo waiting/expecting something to happen at the end. Like that old lady ends up being the killers mother, or an axe to come flying in to her face while driving :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I wish they would have had a more traditional movie making spirit when they made it. Slashers don't need to be A24'd. Like, at all. Beginning scene for example was just not done well because they tried too hard. The kills were phenomenal and I think a little judicious editing would have served them well x 1000. That spoiler tag item; it suffered in the same way the opening did. Trying too hard to be different. Some of the best horror flicks are ones that gave up trying to be revolutionary and just scare the shit out of you and gross you out in the best ways. No need to reinvent the wheel.

This micro-bitchfest aside :bag :rofl ; I dug it.
We watched BL II yesterday. Nicolas Cage god-tier performance and actually not near as bad as what you would think. Some great dialog as well :oops: :ROFLMAO:

It's funny you mention that; it actually doesn't have any connection with the original film! That was a decision by the production company to use that name for some reason. I may watch it at some point, but I generally don't care about Cage. I mean, I love Wild at Heart, and I think he's fantastic in Raising Arizona, but after Wild at Heart I really don't care anymore.
I wish they would have had a more traditional movie making spirit when they made it. Slashers don't need to be A24'd. Like, at all. Beginning scene for example was just not done well because they tried too hard. The kills were phenomenal and I think a little judicious editing would have served them well x 1000. That spoiler tag item; it suffered in the same way the opening did. Trying too hard to be different. Some of the best horror flicks are ones that gave up trying to be revolutionary and just scare the shit out of you and gross you out in the best ways. No need to reinvent the wheel.

This micro-bitchfest aside :bag :rofl ; I dug it.

Agreed. I thought it was good, but it kind of got in its own way a few times.

Check out When Evil Lurks. I watched that yesterday and it overcame the pain in the ass that it is to read the subtitles. (Spanish flick) It’s not perfect, but it has a handful of holy shit moments and an decently interesting angle on possession type movies.
It's funny you mention that; it actually doesn't have any connection with the original film! That was a decision by the production company to use that name for some reason. I may watch it at some point, but I generally don't care about Cage. I mean, I love Wild at Heart, and I think he's fantastic in Raising Arizona, but after Wild at Heart I really don't care anymore.
He was great in Birdy. Everything was great in Birdy.

Oh, also: Adaptation.
He was great in Birdy. Everything was great in Birdy.

Oh cool. Thanks for the recommendation; I hadn't heard of it. I think Alan Parker is an interesting director with Angel Heart and Mississippi Burning. I'll keep that one on my radar.

Oh, also: Adaptation.

I own that one but have never seen it. It was part of some promotion on Vudu where I got to choose a few films for free from a very limited selection, so I went for that one among others. Good to know it's not a bad one, so I'll try that too eventually!
Oh cool. Thanks for the recommendation; I hadn't heard of it. I think Alan Parker is an interesting director with Angel Heart and Mississippi Burning. I'll keep that one on my radar.

I own that one but have never seen it. It was part of some promotion on Vudu where I got to choose a few films for free from a very limited selection, so I went for that one among others. Good to know it's not a bad one, so I'll try that too eventually!
Alan Parker also directed The Wall, IIRC.

Birdy is a straightforward narrative with a great soundtrack (Peter Gabriel) and striking period-accurate sets. Adaptation is a bit more arty/ cerebral, but I enjoyed it… anyway? :D

I always found Cage’s career interesting in the way it spans very high brow and very low brow material. Gotta pay the bills and all that.
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We just watched The Little Things with Denzel Washington, Jared Leto, and Rami Malek. I hated it.

Malek was way too weird, and it was nagging at me. I realized that, at least in this, he's just a bad actor. It pained me, because I wanted his strangeness to be a an awesome and compelling quirk, like Christopher Walken when he's cared in the past or Willem Dafoe always, but Dafoe is a world class actor too, and he's so present he pulls you in. Malek felt like he's unsure of how humans do anything, like he couldn't even stand in a natural position for one second. The only backstory for his performance is that he's actually an android. I truly think from this he's probably just a bad actor, unless I can find a performance that shows otherwise.

The editing was so hyper efficient their was no air or mood; it was like a hyper technical exercise that destroys any connection you may otherwise have formed with the piece.

The director let so many instances of bad acting go from different people, they just weren't doing their job at all. It killed the feel. The lady playing Malek's wife was like a gorgeous mannequin, but a mannequin would've had more convincing emotion and definitely more personality. A good director would've fixed that by working with or replacing that actor.

Washington was warm here, and that was great. I felt like he was trying way more than usual, but he insisted on keeping his same distinctive gait, which was totally out of place. But he was not magnetic enough to save all the other flaws of the film.

Leto was great. Creepy and dickish and an asshole in a paradoxically quiet and thoughtful way.

The writing was interesting due to its inconclusiveness, and it was a shame the story fell to such a poor execution.