What are we watching now?

The Conference - Probably a better movie without the hilariously bad english overdubs.

Been meaning to watch this but I can't do the dubs. So its going to have to be a time I'll actually be paying attention enough to the TV to read subtitles, and who knows when that will be :LOL:
My youngest and I like to irritate the rest of the family with Terrifier 2 :love :ROFLMAO:

I love the b-horror over-the-top gorefest aspect of it, but holy shit was that movie like 45 minutes too long. It would not fucking end. :ROFLMAO: Director thought he was making Gone With The Wind or something. Haha
Been meaning to watch this but I can't do the dubs. So its going to have to be a time I'll actually be paying attention enough to the TV to read subtitles, and who knows when that will be :LOL:

The movie I watched before it had subtitles so at first I was pumped this one they actually had English voiceovers, so I didn’t have to read another movie for a couple hours. But, the voice acting is so over the top and disjointed. TBF I think it’s supposed to be a bit comical, but after 15 minutes I couldn’t watch and take it serious any more and started rooting on the villain.
Last night we watched Communion from 1989, with Christopher Walken. My God he was terrible in that. He so didn't give a shit. I feel like there was a pretty long period where he kept saying to himself "I can't believe I'm getting paid for this shit." I think he had the ability to be great, but I get the feeling he was like a non sociopathic version of Marlon Brando, just seeing how little actual work he could get away with. Jesus, fame and success can really destroy some people.
Oh, and there were other people involved in the movie too, and they can all suck it. Lindsey Krouse was unwatchable. I can't stand her in most roles anyway, but here I felt ill from her oozing with old money self.

And the director, that guy is a real piece of shit. I don't know what he thought he was doing, but it made me feel actual hatred. I picture him just snorting coke off a different girl's tits between every scene, barely paying attention to what's going on.

And Eric Clapton. For some fucking reason he's doing half the soundtrack, and it's the most incongruous, ill-fitting, mediocre Lethal Weapon soundtrack rip off music, whereas the other half is a traditional score, way more serious than what the film can handle.

The only way to handle this steaming turd is to go into it knowing it needs the Mystery Science Theater treatment.
Nicholas Cage face reveal.


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We watched Marty from 1955 recently. That film really was directed so well, and Ernest Borgnine was really good. Delbert Mann was extraordinary though in his direction, the way he framed shots and the way the actors were wrangled so perfectly, hitting all the right notes in their performances. I really enjoyed it. This was written by Paddy Chayefsky, and that is another great reason for the greatness of this film; he's the guy who wrote Network, one of the greatest scripts of all time, in my book.
Last night we watched Girl, Interrupted, from 1999. Man, this is just a showcase for how truly talented and nuanced Winona Ryder is as an actor. She's really something else. It makes me feel like most of her roles were not enough to show how good she truly is. She really reminds me of Sean Penn, vulnerable and questioning in all the right ways, while still being able to be cooler and smarter than anyone in the room. Truly a great rebel and tremendous talent.

The director, James Mangold, was also great. He was able to play the actors off one another so well; you could feel the relationships tangibly. This was made right after he made Copland, so I shouldn't be surprised at how much I loved it.

Angelina Jolie was interesting in this. I thought she was a little heavy handed in her performance, but not bad at all. I thought she was really working though, and found a way to play someone completely pushing all the rules. But what bothered mean little is that, it felt so unflinchingly over the top, she couldn've been scaled back a hair by the director. But my wife said she's known girls just like that, that she actually did a great job.

Apparently this film departs in major ways from what happened in real life, and the author hated it, but I haven't read the book, so if I judge it on its own, I thought it truly was a tremendous and visceral work of great cinema, due to the central pillars of a once in a lifetime talent actor, an intelligent, competent, and refined director, and (flights of fiction notwithstanding) a well written script.

I'm so glad I didn't skip over this one.
We just watched The Company You Keep, from 2013. Man, Robert Redford cannot handle bad actors; he has no ability to improve their performances or make them more likable. There is a bright line in that movie, that any actor over 40 is fine, except Redford, who was so much a cliche of himself that it was off-putting in the extreme. But the under 40 actors were terrible, like TV terrible.

The film was interesting still just because of the plot, but I recommend skipping the film in that case and just trying the novel instead. I don't know if the novel is good or not, but hell, it can't be worse than the film.

I think Redford generally chooses thought provoking subject matter as a director, but I guess he's just been in movies too long at the top of the food chain, and he thinks his charisma is endless, that it transcends the need to emote anything other than a considered look or a too cute by half smile. I just couldn't stand him in this.

And the over 40s were fine, as I wrote, but overall not good. Each supporting actor was basically themselves, with an odd and ineffective performance by Julie Christie.

The one actually cool thing was Nick Nolte's performance. He was actually interesting and cool, though that was balanced by the fact that many of his lines were unintelligible, so I had to watch those scenes with subtitles! It sounded like an amorphous mass of cigarette smoke and alcohol was attempting to communicate by singing, but every note came out sounding like a small regurgitation of a painfully spicy meal.
I put on a really god awful cage movie on Tubi the other night. I fell asleep so maybe he ended up having a bigger role but it seemed like he was mostly just a background actor it was strange
Last night we watched Cold in July, from 2014. I loved this. This director, Jim Mickle, was awesome in this. The way he framed shots and colored them, with his co-editing, the whole thing had mood and feel. The characters had personality and, well, character, and the story was just cool and weird and really fun to follow.

I never like to know much about a film before seeing it, so I had no idea where this was headed. Man, it was awesome. And I'll tell you, pretty much, if Sam Shepard was in it, it was probably a cool movie.
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