What a "surprising" development!

Social media has pretty much ruined everything. The dream was that the "common man" could interact with like-minded individuals and share experiences.

Unfortunately the dream has been perverted and paid salesmen masquerading as average Joes have commandeered the platforms and use them as just another thinly veiled billboard.

Well, that, and calling anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi.
Social media has pretty much ruined everything. The dream was that the "common man" could interact with like-minded individuals and share experiences.

Unfortunately the dream has been perverted and paid salesmen masquerading as average Joes have commandeered the platforms and use them as just another thinly veiled billboard.

Well, that, and calling anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi.
I think the problem is, your average Joe is a total bellend.
Social media has pretty much ruined everything. The dream was that the "common man" could interact with like-minded individuals and share experiences.

Unfortunately the dream has been perverted and paid salesmen masquerading as average Joes have commandeered the platforms and use them as just another thinly veiled billboard.

Well, that, and calling anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi.

That and it’s rewarded people acting like jackasses desperate for attention. Flocks of “influencers” who have hundreds of thousands of followers because they dress in skimpy clothes or slag on everything because people enjoy negativity and anger.

And then you have the comments section which is like the bar on Tatooine.

It’s amazing how prophetic Idiocracy was.
I was just telling someone this morning that I don’t think mankind was ready to be connected as much as they are, either that or we’re so horribly off-balance that the ability to connect with everyone and anyone has just highlighted the imbalance. I suppose it can be a chicken or the egg situation depending on how you look at it.

I remember before I could afford a smartphone, I was dying for the day I could have Wiki and Google at my fingertips because I still think it’s the coolest damn thing that if we have a question, we can find an answer for it in seconds. I mean, we might have to read through a pile of dogsh*t before we get to it, but overall, information is widely available to us now. Alas, I’m part of a dying breed that still remembers the pre-internet days that created that thirst for information where it’s largely taken for granted and/or straight up ignored these days.

Ultimately, as long as a way for people exists to become famous/rich, it’ll be milked until the well has run dry and the social media well is deep.
His band once wanted to charge my band £3000 buy-on for a mini tour playing some pubs in Scotland. WAT.

One of the biggest reasons the original bands I was in hardly ever got on bills with Nationals. I told every single "promoter" to shove it up their arse when they asked for buy in money. I didnt mind selling tickets but NEVER paid a dime to open or tour with anyone.
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I was surprised when he mentioned NDSP wasn't a fan of him making videos of the QC. Maybe he was asking to be put on the NDSP artist list or something. Two sides to every story I'm sure.

But yes, I really enjoy his videos (and he puts out a lot!)
Totally agreed on John Cordy. He makes a ton of videos and does some promotion but he's not a hype guy. And he's pretty honest and often very funny.

And of course Leon Todd, who makes a ton of really helpful free content on Fractal gear, and some other honest and interesting content. He'll sell some stuff but it's pretty transparent when that happens IMO.

I actually went through and unsubscribed from about half of the channels I followed on YT this weekend after reading this thread. So many of them were once upon a time good interesting channels but devolved into gear shills. I'm not interested in that anymore.

Actually, here's a list of some channels I've been watching:

  • John Nathan Cordy - described above
  • Leon Todd - described above
  • The Studio Rats - excellent player with good informative content (may have a Boss relationship though)
  • G66 - for Fractal tips/tricks
  • 501chorusecho - pure gold of course
  • That Pedal Show - often plodding and meandering but really informative
  • Let's Play All - great 90's rock tutorials and riffs
  • Superdanger Studios - smaller channel focused on Iridium stuff but good tones and player and informative
  • Shawn Tubbs - works for Revv but he's a monster player and teaches a lot of stuff
  • Eric Haugen Guitar - inspirational and focused on playing and learning and not gear
  • Kiko Loureiro - humble for how accomplished he is, teaches and gives a great look into touring with a top act
  • Jeff McErlaine - teacher from Truefire, good informative content
  • Zach Wish - unbelievably well produced modern rock gear demos and covers (his band is great too)
  • Late Night Lessons - focused completely on teaching, excellent player and teacher with wide tastes
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I was surprised when he mentioned NDSP wasn't a fan of him making videos of the QC. Maybe he was asking to be put on the NDSP artist list or something. Two sides to every story I'm sure.

But yes, I really enjoy his videos (and he puts out a lot!)

I don’t think he was saying Neural was upset with him, rather that his videos on the QC, which at some point offered some critique, (he’s been far more positive of late) aren’t likely to do him any favors working with them in the future. (Via paid content or advanced access to product/software )

He has mentioned on several occasions that Neural reached out to him to get his thoughts on loopers, and he had some back and forth with them on ones he liked, features he would want in it etc.
He has mentioned on several occasions that Neural reached out to him to get his thoughts on loopers, and he had some back and forth with them on ones he liked, features he would want in it etc.
Thats cool! The looper on QC is pretty great if I recall correctly. I'm not much of a looper person but it seemed nice.

I stand corrected!