Mesa Dual Rectifier vs 8 modelers!

  • Fractal, Helix and QC were to me more like "maybe this is just based on a different variant" type deal, I would happily use any of them.
  • Hotone sounds a bit dull even with the presence cranked.
  • Fender TMP sounds like there's something off about it that I can't quite put a finger on what it is. Usable sound anyway.
  • The Headrush is just dull, I'd say it's by far the worst of the bunch. You'd probably need to throw an EQ after it and boost those highs a lot.
  • The Boss GT-1000 is not a bad sound on its own but in a comparison it is just lacking. Boss really needs to stick to custom models and forget modeling real amps.
I don't get along with Rectos, real or modeled, so I never use them myself but they are a good test amp because they seem particularly sensitive to things like impedance curves and can be temperamental to get that excessive low end out or get the high end right.
It's always interesting how (still) the reactions and comments vary regarding accuracy. Some people are tired of these comparisons while others feel like there still is a significant difference between tube amps and amp modelers. I sit somewhere in between. Certain modelers do an amazing job at emulating specific amps while with other amps they have more trouble replicating that analog tone. I love modelers and use them every day but there still is room for improvement! If there wasn't room for improvement people like Cliff could just stop updating the algorithms right now. Luckily we have people like him driving the tech and the standard of the tech forward.
It's always interesting how (still) the reactions and comments vary regarding accuracy. Some people are tired of these comparisons while others feel like there still is a significant difference between tube amps and amp modelers. I sit somewhere in between. Certain modelers do an amazing job at emulating specific amps while with other amps they have more trouble replicating that analog tone. I love modelers and use them every day but there still is room for improvement! If there wasn't room for improvement people like Cliff could just stop updating the algorithms right now. Luckily we have people like him driving the tech and the standard of the tech forward.

Even many firmwares ago, I was convinced that I could make the Axe-Fx 3 sound and feel exactly like some Marshall and Vox voiced tube amps I had that it doesn't even model. So to me the tech is already there, and any improvements are just fine details that might apply to a particular amp model at particular settings.

I used to be much more on the side of accuracy, but then started thinking how many of the amps I've ever played in real life (dozens, but never side by side), and how few of them I have been able to actually compare side by side in the closest possible like for like scenario.

Then it just became a case of "Do I like how it sounds/feels? If yes, all good!" There's just so much gear out there that sounds absolutely phenomenal nowadays so to me practicalities like the right size/weight/feature set/cost end up making a difference between say buying a Friedman vs Bogner, Vox vs Victory, or Helix instead of Fractal.
That was a cool test. Which one someone prefers probably comes down to what they like about a recto. For me, its all about the second playing section which highlights the top end specialness of the recto red modern tone. Almost all of them struggled with that section, TMP was closest to getting it. That was a surprise, I expected fractal to get closest to that one. If someone is more focused on the low end, they’d probably come to a totally different conclusion about which was closest.

I could have used most of them, but that boss model is a crime against modeling. I’m a boss fan generally, but damn that was bad.

This video completely failed at what I wanted/needed it to do: convince me I don’t need another recto since I have an FM9…

The video did inspire me to spend some quality time with the recto models in the fm9 for the last two days. Man I remember how sensitive the presence and treble controls were on the real amp, but I’ve been using very different tonestacks for years now and I’m totally not used to that. I forget how much they interact with one another and how small adjustments can make big changes. I got some cool tones though. As much fun as it has been, I think I’d be bored of the amp pretty quick if I bought another.

I spent most of my gigging time on channel 2 vintage because that’s the gain range I really need most of the time. I find that sound pretty boring now and I’d rather use something Marshall for that kinda thing. Channel 3 Modern is now my fave, but it’s a very specific sound I don’t use all that much live and playing it myself just for fun I fatigue on it after not too long.

TLDR, I don’t see another recto in my near future,..

Was fun for old times sake though the last few days to dust off some early 2000s rock and metal riffs and remember my diamond plate days.
