Tone is 100% subjective. That's just my opinion
Personally I thought the AC30 was terrible; the AC15 was good, but it took me a lot more work to get it sounding how I like than it takes me with other devices out there. But, I think most digital Vox models sound terrible so take that FWIW. Vox amps were my main thing for years and years and none of the digital models sound quite right to me.
I thought the amp models across the board had too much gain, the distortion came on too quickly, and there was too much bass/low-mids.
Overall I thought it seemed dialed in for high gain and "modern" cleans, and it sounded killer for those sounds, but I had to work to dial all of that out for other sounds.
I think
@mbenigni is right that the things about the sound that made me not like it are things that make other people love it. We all have different things we're listening for