The "Going To An Audition" Thread

Drummer/Not Drummer ghosted us yesterday. Didn't reply to the group text. Didn't
show up. Then texts this morning.... "Sorry, Fellas.... forgot it was Thursday."

It's Thursday once a week. And we have had this Convo before. So we
decided he is done. I moved to the Throne and manned the Sticks last night,
and I called Charlie at 5:30PM to see if he would come and jam with us. He's
literally there within an half an hour. :chef

Brought a Tele and his amp and pedalboard. Killed it. Such a great player with
killer tone and feel. Much better on 6 strings than I am. Probably 5 strings, too. :LOL:

Not sure what the plan is going forward.... but I have decided that as much as
I love playing guitar I will take one for the team (always have) and swallow my
pride and man the Drums.... and even play Bass.... if we find yet another Drummer.

There's no "I" in Band. :rofl
There’s an I in Band-Aid
Which you appear to be lol
Drummer/Not Drummer ghosted us yesterday. Didn't reply to the group text. Didn't
show up. Then texts this morning.... "Sorry, Fellas.... forgot it was Thursday."

It's Thursday once a week. And we have had this Convo before. So we
decided he is done. I moved to the Throne and manned the Sticks last night,
and I called Charlie at 5:30PM to see if he would come and jam with us. He's
literally there within an half an hour. :chef

Brought a Tele and his amp and pedalboard. Killed it. Such a great player with
killer tone and feel. Much better on 6 strings than I am. Probably 5 strings, too. :LOL:

Not sure what the plan is going forward.... but I have decided that as much as
I love playing guitar I will take one for the team (always have) and swallow my
pride and man the Drums.... and even play Bass.... if we find yet another Drummer.

There's no "I" in Band. :rofl
You do exactly like Rob does, and has done for many years, to keep his band moving forward. He moved to keys after Ryder quit. Then they found a keyboard player, and he switched to bass. He played guitar in our acoustic 3-piece back in the day (although he drove me crazy playing minor chords in place of major, or worse, the opposite!), and last I heard, he's back on drums, where he started when I met him when I was 15.

It's funny though, he says it's SO exhausting! Not the same thing when you're over 60, as it was when you were young. I imagine you can relate...?

I saw them play when he was on bass, and he tore it up!! Vocals too. Said bass was the most fun of any instrument he had played.