The "Going To An Audition" Thread

Nice! How's the Schecter Baritone treat you? Are you looking at adding a 7 for the full experience or is the baritone enough being in the same tuning? Would you miss that high E string?

I've had it since 2006. Was a primary gigging guitar for a bit, and then I moved on. It's been
cased for at least a decade. :facepalmTime to break it out and see what I can do with it. I don't miss
the weedly weedly string.... or one of them. Have other guitars that I can do that on. :LOL:

Going to go see if I can find what case it is in now.
the death of nu-metal
protest GIF
It was my first decent electric guitar purchase after only playing acoustic for over
10 years. Bought it when my son was in the womb, and I was like, "Shit! I need to
start making more $$$ STAT!" :LOL:

That was like 19+ years ago. :columbo
Found the Dimarzio Dominions. Have to keep hunting for the Pickup Rings
for the guitar, which have to be around here somewhere. Hoping to get this
all squared away by Thursday, so I can take a Drop A Baritone to practice. :headbang

It'll be nice to have a guitar setup for that guttural pounding with some high
output, Ceramic-Mag Pickups.

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