Derived more meaning and enjoyment from an hour spent this morning
playing with Al than I did in 4 hours last night with the guys beating to
death tunes we have already beaten to death.
Love my Brothers. Lots of great memories and more to be made. Just weighing
what I want to do with my time, and realizing more and more everyday how
precious it is. Nothing I play with the band challenges me in any way. I want to
grow, and stretch, and be challenged by the material we play... or I play. I just
can't tread water and be content. That's just stagnating. I am not a pond.
I honestly want to play in, or start, a Prog/Fusion sort of band with some great
players who are into the same thing. Alas, I am not a great player, and don't
know of any around here.

I-IV-V Blues guys who can shuffle until the cows
come home are legion, as are Country Bros, and Classic Rock Boomers.
Time to (re)consider what my options actually are. Can I honestly spend one evening
per week playing material I am not all that into, with guys who are not focused enough
to write, and also don't seem to aspire to pushing themselves in the same way I am.
At my age I only have so many evenings. I'll be damned if I am giving a bunch more
of them to Jason Aldean. Probably already let him have too many as it is.