The "Going To An Audition" Thread

Can you play Bass while I wank incessantly over your I-IV-V harmonic lockdown? :unsure:
Nancy Pelosi GIF by GIPHY News



FOH guys were pretty cool. Primary sound engineer threw a Sennheiser E609 on my Cab, though
I would have preferred to run a direct XLR from the FM3 to the Board, but he wanted to Mic my
Cab because none of the other acts following us were going to run any kind of modeller. It was
a tad dark for my tastes, but when in Rome, right?

I asked him about silent stages and modellers versus tube amps. I was kind of shocked that I was
the outlier. All the other bands were using amps. The last band of the night was using a Boss Katana. :idk

I was super happy with our performance as a group. By far the heaviest and most energetic band
of the night. Not saying much given what followed us. :LOL:

Our singer did a great job. Was very interactive with the crowd and prowled the stage pretty well.
We ended up doing a 90 minute set with no lulls or breaks (unlike some other bands). A lot of fun
and really inspiring for all of us given the shitshow of the past year with the Drummer Carousel, the
family obligations and work challenges we all powered through.

Oh, and the 30 minute slot between bands meant one band is tearing down while the other is
setting up. I was tore down and off the stage and loaded into my Jeep in 12 minutes flat! :p
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I am usually a lurker here on this forum, but I was compelled to comment and say, what a great read!!!

Rarely do I make it through an entire 24 page thread but now I am dying to know how the first gig went!

Made my day with this. Now that's 2 of us who got something worthwhile from this thread. :LOL:

Not sure where we are now as a "band." Bass player took a dive walking and some
pre-existing conditions with his neck and back have flared up. He's been MIA 2 of the
past 3 weeks. He said he has to have surgery again. Still says he wants to jam when he
is able. No idea what that means.

I am just going to do what I have always done. Keep showing up. I've never relied on others
to determine whether or not I get my work and hours in. I'll be there tonight and see who
else shows up. Hell, I may be switching over to Bass for a bit. If I have to, then I will. :idk

Maybe. :bonk

The passage of time reveals all. :LOL:
Derived more meaning and enjoyment from an hour spent this morning
playing with Al than I did in 4 hours last night with the guys beating to
death tunes we have already beaten to death.

Love my Brothers. Lots of great memories and more to be made. Just weighing
what I want to do with my time, and realizing more and more everyday how
precious it is. Nothing I play with the band challenges me in any way. I want to
grow, and stretch, and be challenged by the material we play... or I play. I just
can't tread water and be content. That's just stagnating. I am not a pond. :LOL:

I honestly want to play in, or start, a Prog/Fusion sort of band with some great
players who are into the same thing. Alas, I am not a great player, and don't
know of any around here. :idk I-IV-V Blues guys who can shuffle until the cows
come home are legion, as are Country Bros, and Classic Rock Boomers.

Time to (re)consider what my options actually are. Can I honestly spend one evening
per week playing material I am not all that into, with guys who are not focused enough
to write, and also don't seem to aspire to pushing themselves in the same way I am.

At my age I only have so many evenings. I'll be damned if I am giving a bunch more
of them to Jason Aldean. Probably already let him have too many as it is. :horse

Derived more meaning and enjoyment from an hour spent this morning
playing with Al than I did in 4 hours last night with the guys beating to
death tunes we have already beaten to death.

Love my Brothers. Lots of great memories and more to be made. Just weighing
what I want to do with my time, and realizing more and more everyday how
precious it is. Nothing I play with the band challenges me in any way. I want to
grow, and stretch, and be challenged by the material we play... or I play. I just
can't tread water and be content. That's just stagnating. I am not a pond. :LOL:

I honestly want to play in, or start, a Prog/Fusion sort of band with some great
players who are into the same thing. Alas, I am not a great player, and don't
know of any around here. :idk I-IV-V Blues guys who can shuffle until the cows
come home are legion, as are Country Bros, and Classic Rock Boomers.

Time to (re)consider what my options actually are. Can I honestly spend one evening
per week playing material I am not all that into, with guys who are not focused enough
to write, and also don't seem to aspire to pushing themselves in the same way I am.

At my age I only have so many evenings. I'll be damned if I am giving a bunch more
of them to Jason Aldean. Probably already let him have too many as it is. :horse

This is true challenging is part of the allure for me, OFC Im a noob for sure, and I dont play in band just isolated in my room, but i challenge myself everyday to get better at what I enjoy
I set goals and try to attain them, Im no pro but im passionate, and dedicated to my hobby
and most of all I enjoy it so thats good enough for me

There is nothing more precious than time. You have to safeguard it. That's my biggest obstacle in working with other players; I have to feel like they're not wasting my time, and oftem I've felt like they are.

I was recently put in contact with a fantastic drummer. He's played in some interesting bands over the years, but he was kind of acting like he wanted to be a package deal with this singer who just sucks. I had to say no. I couldn't work my ass off only to stand next to someone who makes me cringe when they hit a note.

There are ways to collaborate remotely if you have good internet. I remember finding this platform so many years ago where people can rehearse together remotely. I imagine there are several now. I'm sure if you put some feelers out there you can find something that makes it spiritually and mentally rewarding to you.

It's not an indictment of your band mates to reject them. You can try to introduce more challenging material and see how they react, and you never know, maybe they're as bored as you are but aren't saying anything. But if you try and they don't want to progress, just keep in the front of your thoughts that musical chemistry is everything in a band; if you don't feel it anymore, you owe it to yourself to walk away.
So, Downsouth Dave took a dive, and jacked himself up pretty bad. He
already has rods in his neck and back, and they have shifted, so he has
to have all of that hardware removed, and then reworked. Docs told him
7 to 10 days in ICU post-op, minimal mobility for 4 to 6 months and a
year recovery time to get back to anything approaching normal.

I feel for the guy. He has wife just bought an old farmhouse and property
to renovate. No idea how they are going to manage. Just sad.

Worst part of all the fall he took was when leaving the Festival we played.
Been struggling ever since, and finally got himself all checked out at the
University of Michigan Hospital.

I'm gutted for the dude. :(

We are still going to carry on, as best we can. In spite of my reservations
about the music we play (and don't play!) I know that hanging with the
guys once a week is beneficial for our mental health. Also, Volume! :banana:headbang
Finally hooked up with my old friend Charlie last night. I show up the 1st too arrive
as I always do. I am told Kevin the Drummer sent a text and said he isn't going to
make it. :brick

Fuck it! Let's call Charlie. Call him and he is there in 30 minutes. I played drums and
Charlie played his SSS Fender Strat into my Fractal rig I already had set up. Since
I play humbuggies and Les Pauls (and other assorted Mahogany bodied axes) it
was a tad strident and bright with his guitar. We powered through. Jammed some
tunes and had a good time. It was great seeing him and finally introducing him
to the guys. :beer