Mooer GS1000li profiler

Man, ToneJunkie's gonna be gettin' exhausted making profiles of his captures of his profiles with all these proprietary formats. Sheesh.
Mtv Television GIF by Animation Domination High-Def
Mooer is subsidized by the Chinese government for penetration into western markets. These influencers are banking Chinese dollars and helping the CCP infiltrate the West. Besides the algorithms are likely stolen (I will lol when Leo Gibson shows that the Mooer and NAM profiles have the same null tests.) Mooer was already sued for stealing code from a western pedal. They didn't even change the comments. And these internet enabled devices could be collecting information.

I know that all sounds paranoid, but Chinese IOT devices are a bit risky.

Also, if you must have this thing, avoid the battery one at all costs. Could burn down your house. Do you think they went through the stringent testing needed for sale in western shops? No!
I wonder if this has vocal effects included. Mooer made some vocal pedals so maybe they included those effects.
Mooer is subsidized by the Chinese government for penetration into western markets. These influencers are banking Chinese dollars and helping the CCP infiltrate the West.
Here's a thought: not all gear is made with "western markets" in mind. There is a HUGE market in Asia and South America where NDSP/FAS/L6 etc. are extremely expensive or sometimes simply non-existent. Mooer, Hotone, Ampero, etc., thrive in these places. I'm not stopping you from discussing what these brands are doing in the US/UK/EU, but it helps to move beyond your immediate confines to see the full picture of a certain piece of gear (and life in general).

P.S. The last four-ish decades of neoliberal marketisation across the world have also been funded and supported by the US/UK/EU and have had terrible effects all around, but let's keep this thread less about the political economy of consumer-grade gear and more about GAS...
Fwiw, given the bits of the videos I watched, I can only say that having *zero* encoders just sucks. Adjusting parameters on what is a pretty small touchscreen only simply isn't even remotely getting close to what Mr. Franck's doctor ordered.
I am by now remote controlling my live rig through TouchOSC running on a 10" tablet screen, the faders using the entire height of the screen. And while that's pretty fine, I am already looking for some small form factor MIDI knob box.
With this unit, there'd be a fraction of the space for each knob, let alone the "sweet spot" to touch it will be very small, and it also seems that your finger or hand is permanently covering the readout often, so any "silent" tweaking is pretty much not possible, either.
My personal goldilocks form factor would probably be a touchscreen (could even be pretty small) to add, remove, select, move and name things, plus, say, 6-8 endless ncoders (ideally there's be a performance mode allowing me to freely map them).

Guess that's a hard pass from me then, battery operation alone isn't worth the hassle.
Dude, please, reserve your attempts to fool people for someone else.
Anyone having this unit right now already is sponsored in one way or the other. So don't try to tell us nonsense (especially not when this is your first post here...).
Wow, you're spicy AF! :))) I don’t believe I told any nonsense. I received the device from MOOER to try out, but forming my opinion is entirely up to me. In the video, I tell facts and let the device speak for itself.