Mooer GS1000li profiler


Why do all these guys who get these units before they’re actually for sale? They likely get them free. Why do they always sound like infomercials? I mean it’s really obnoxious kind of tired of it.
Why do all these guys who get these units before they’re actually for sale? They likely get them free. Why do they always sound like infomercials? I mean it’s really obnoxious kind of tired of it.
It's modern day marketing. Mooer sends these units out to influencers a couple of weeks before the official launch. The influencers then make videos/infomercials/advertisements and release them on the launch date. The influencers are usually paid.
Mooer is subsidized by the Chinese government for penetration into western markets. These influencers are banking Chinese dollars and helping the CCP infiltrate the West. Besides the algorithms are likely stolen (I will lol when Leo Gibson shows that the Mooer and NAM profiles have the same null tests.) Mooer was already sued for stealing code from a western pedal. They didn't even change the comments. And these internet enabled devices could be collecting information.

I know that all sounds paranoid, but Chinese IOT devices are a bit risky.

Also, if you must have this thing, avoid the battery one at all costs. Could burn down your house. Do you think they went through the stringent testing needed for sale in western shops? No!
Don't know why your rant was in reply to my post. I was just explaining to another poster how modern marketing works.

But here's an interesting fact for you: all Chinese companies are required to have CCP units who ensure CCP policies are implemented.