Fwiw, not directly related to this unit, but: All these early reviews are getting on my tits. Massively!
All of them are lacking of several things and usually none of them is mentioning any cons. What good is a review only mentioning the positive things?
As some things have been mentioned in this thread:
Where's latency measurements? Apart from Leo Gibson nobody does that. Which absolutely sucks because in an environment nested digital units, this can easily become an issue, even for the not-so-sensible folks.
Where's audio interface measurements? Nowhere. But it might become a pretty important issue for some folks who don't plan to purchase a dedicated interface and yet would like to fool around with software amp sims themselves. Take the HX series. I didn't get *any* proper latency measurements until I bought a Floor myself (people didn't even bother to look into their DAW driver dialog), just to find out it was abysmally bad.
FFS, regarding this very unit, where's ANY cons? No cons in any of the reviews yet. NONE. So, in a nutshell, this is *the* perfect unit. At least that's what each and every YTer makes you think.
And yes, while I seem to like some of the reviewing folks, there's no way around it: This just sucks big f***ing time. Any such reviews are a completely worthless waste of internet bandwidth and time.
And before someone gets mad at me: I absolutely understand why these reviews are what they are. Spomsored reviews will never be honest and/or thorough as long as the reviewers want to keep getting sponsored.
But still, for me as a potentially interested customer, that just sucks.
Fwiw, this is actually one thing that has been better in the past. When you were reviewing things for a mag, you were paid by the mag to do the review. Oh yes, the results were pretty much blurred already, too (a company might pay for ads in the mag, the reviewer might be allowed to keep some things or get them cheaper, etc.) but not even halfway as much as with all that YT "honest review" BS.