I'm Just Curious..., How Many Here Own a Fractal, and Who Doesn't?

Which one(s) do you own?

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I bought an Axe II back when they came out, 100% due to watching Mark Day play 80's Hair Band guitar through his new Axe II on You Tube.

Got a III as soon as they came out, and will get a IV as well, if and when they appear.
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No FAS unit over here. Unfortunately - but at those stupid european prices I simply can't justify it (no 2nd hand market pretty much at all, either).

Oh yeah, that's a major consideration as well. I bought my FM3 while living in the US; the same unit is ~35% more expensive here in Europe 😥
Wish the 35% had chimed in with what they are using instead. I'm 100% analog at the moment for the first time in decades. Still somewhat deaf from the virus I'm dealing with but I'm absolutely certain my sans digital rig sounds at least 5% more real that any of the recent modelers I've used. Maybe even 10% more real! :oops:
I’ve got my old standard still, but to be fair I’ve plugged it in once in several years so I might as well not have it…. I clicked the legacy button, but I spend all my modeler time on a Helix these days.

Pretty good chance an FM9 is coming my way at some point though.

Wish the 35% had chimed in with what they are using instead.
You can probably take a reasonably educated guess based on the "traffic" on this forum that, of the 35% who said no that own a modeller, most of them will likely be Helix/HX unit(s), with Headrush, Kemper, Boss, and NDSP a little behind, followed up by some of the more budget units.

There will also be a considerable number of Fractal owners who own modellers from other companies too.
You can probably take a reasonably educated guess based on the "traffic" on this forum that, of the 35% who said no that own a modeller, most of them will likely be Helix/HX unit(s), with Headrush, Kemper, Boss, and NDSP a little behind, followed up by some of the more budget units.

There will also be a considerable number of Fractal owners who own modellers from other companies too.

Yup. There's also a whole bunch of people that still prefer their tube amps, analogue hardware and aren't interested in modelling.
Wish the 35% had chimed in with what they are using instead. I'm 100% analog at the moment for the first time in decades. Still somewhat deaf from the virus I'm dealing with but I'm absolutely certain my sans digital rig sounds at least 5% more real that any of the recent modelers I've used. Maybe even 10% more real! :oops:

As one of the 35%, I own a random selection of stuff, informed by a combination of budget and whatever the current realities of my playing are.

So right now I mostly play solo, doing originals and slightly different covers, and by sort-of necessity mostly acoustic. But sometimes electric, although I really don't enjoy playing electric without at least some percussion, and preferably a bassist and second guitar.

My gear is thus mostly amps (Laney Lionheart 5w combo, Marshall DSL40CR, Quilter Superblock UK, Fishman Loudbox Mini) and pedals (too many to list, but not excessive - mostly various drives, flangers and delays). I have a Boss GT-1, not because it's good but because it was cheap (at the time) and convenient, and I can take it to open mics or jams, or ad hoc things along with either an acoustic or an electric, and add a bit of colour and interest to the standard "straight to desk and go" setup that most others will be running.

I've had an HXFX in the past and developed a weird relationship with it, so got rid.

However ... I am currently running an FM9 fund (all donations welcome ;) ) which is being filled up from any odds and ends I flog, Prolific studies, gifts and so on. Owing to a bit of a reversal with work I can't really just go and blow two grand off the cuff at the moment. Which reminds me, if anyone is UK-based and fancies an SG classic with twin P90s, you could help my FM9 project along quite considerably ...
I have the FM3 with the fc6 mark II. I’ve thought about the fm9 a lot but I don’t really see where I would use the added horsepower at all.
Wish the 35% had chimed in with what they are using instead.
I use a home-made JCM-800, a Friedman BE-50 clone I built, A couple of preamps I run thru a passive loop in my 2203.

Recently, I've started using some amp sims from Neural DSP and Nembrini, that run in my DAW (Reaper).
Wish the 35% had chimed in with what they are using instead. I'm 100% analog at the moment for the first time in decades. Still somewhat deaf from the virus I'm dealing with but I'm absolutely certain my sans digital rig sounds at least 5% more real that any of the recent modelers I've used. Maybe even 10% more real! :oops:
A couple of tube amps, reactive load, pedals, and some plugins.
What ya using? I'm head over heels with the Fryette Power Load.
Torpedo Captor X with York Audio IRs. Works well enough for me when I want to go with headphones/silent recording. Though I have been playing around with the idea of testing out a Suhr or Fractal one to hear if there’s a notable difference.
Torpedo Captor X with York Audio IRs. Works well enough for me when I want to go with headphones/silent recording. Though I have been playing around with the idea of testing out a Suhr or Fractal one to hear if there’s a notable difference.

The Suhr RL (original one - not the IR) is THE BALLS if you like greenbacks. Read a number of people say something got lost when they switched to the new model but I never tried one.