This one..., that Paul had since what, the 80's...? What I'm wondering is, if it's impact on a guitar is as significant as he says, then why has it taken so long to put them on his guitars??
Yep .... when I first saw that video I had 3 immediate thoughts
1 => he must be surrounded by "yes" people who treat his "ideas" as gospel .... oh .... and they dont want to jeopardise their $$$ pay packet
2 => who the hell in marketing and promo let it be made
and even more importantly let it be posted online ....... Im thinking probably see point 1 above
3 => from a personal respect point of view ... I really admire the guy and PRS .... they aint my cup of tea but hey, they sell ....... it just felt very much like an "own goal" that should never have happened combined with a bit of "viral bad meme" / "jumping the shark" kind of moment.
In my [not] scientifically based assessment ... I refer to it as the
"U2 Syndrome"
A band / entity or brand that is so reliant on one persona get so big and so many people are being fed by it that -noone- dares speak up.
I could easily "rattle off" -no pun intended- a shit load of U2 albums that never ever would have been green-lit to record or gotten any band a record deal -except for that fact- that its U2.
If ever there was a great band that needs someoone to honeslty say to them .... "hey lads, these last 70 or 80 songs a pretty shit" its U2.
But there is just tooooo much $$$$ cash flow coming in to tooo many people for that to ever happen.
Still ...... they are super successful and Im not ...... so w.t.a.f do I know ......
more fool me !